venerdì 15 novembre 2019

Chapter 75 : Arthur against Caesar (part 1)

Saber and Berserker were still engaged in a duel to the death but none of the two warriors wanted to surrender. Berserker hit the opponent with a fist so strong that she spit out blood from her mouth, Saber recovered and counterattacked with a series of slashes that put Berserker in trouble.
« You're not really made for the Berserker class, Arthur. »
« Be quiet … »
« The reason has finally returned to you. Will you answer me then? How did you become Berserker? I thought it was a class destined for crazy people, not for honorable knights. »
« I am dishonored. »
« Really? And what did you do? »
« I lost my way, I lost the right way. After my departure, I was taken to Avalon but there I didn't find peace but only regret. Isn't all this senseless? My paradise was filled with sadness and hatred towards those who condemned me because I was the perfect monarch. I was the perfect king, I had the best justice and I was invincible and yet those plebeians insulted me and were afraid of me. Ungrateful! They have all been ungrateful! Ungrateful lice without a spine! I extracted Caliburn! I fought to defend the kingdom from barbarians! I sacrificed myself for the people! They have done NOTHING! »
« I'm sorry to have to deal with you in this state. If you had been in another class it would have been fun to face you, but I imagine that fate was clumsy. »
« You can't understand, Caesar, you can't understand what it means to be like me. You don't know what it means to be abandoned by those you defended. »
« You insult me, Arthur. You and I are very similar, you know? Our rise to power was willed by destiny and our end was marked by our children: you were betrayed by Mordred and I by Brutus. But we are also different. I loved the conquest while you preferred the defense, I loved the army while you surrounded yourself with some knights. » 
« I have always followed the honor while you were lying, deceiving and manipulating to achieve your goals. »
« True. But I always gave the people what they wanted, the people loved me, while you were feared by the people because you were unable to satisfy them. »
« But you were monstrous with those who rebelled against you, not surprisingly you are a dictator and not a king. You think it's a good thing to be "Caesar" but that makes you a tyrant not a monarch, you are not worthy of the title of king. »
« True. I am a tyrant. But unlike you I enjoyed life, I was never just a warrior: I was a philosopher, an artist, a historian and a lover. I had three wives, a lover and I loved several soldiers of my legion. I have adopted several children and one of these, my dear Augustus, has carried out my project. But can you say the same thing? You were only good at something and you did it in a mediocre way. No coincidence that your kingdom ended almost immediately. »
« Caesar! You speak as if you were an expert, but you lack the values ​​I had! My name was associated with salvation, honor and justice while your … »
« You are me. » Interrupted Saber.
« Don't talk nonsense! »
« Listen to me, Arthur: you say your name was associated with justice but who decided what was right and what was wrong? You. You were the power. You were the judge, the jury and the executioner. Being correct doesn't mean being right. Who said that it was right for you to lead Britain? Did you decide that? If you have decided then you have imposed yourself on the people and so what does this make you? A king or a dictator? »
« I didn't oppress people! » Berserker shouted angrily.
« Me neither. The people loved me, I've already told you. They did everything for me. I never needed to oppress anyone, and like you I created laws and a justice of mine that the people respected. You and I are the same, Arthur. You are Caesar. But you don't want to accept it. You don't want to accept being like me. »
« I will never be like you! »
Berserker prepared to draw her sword but Saber, with an incredible speed, hit the opponent with a slash that split a part of the armor. Berserker, furious, counterattacked with a devastating series of punches that Saber managed to parry in part. The two warriors began to fight.

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