mercoledì 27 maggio 2020

Chapter 124 : Secrets (part 2)

Saber and Specter were still at home alone, their two Masters had gone out at least an hour ago and Saber was already worrying about Alessandro; she was leaning on the edge of the bathtub when Specter suddenly entered into a towel, undressed and stood on the opposite side of the bathtub. She had noticed Saber's pensive look and had sensed that she was worrying about her Master then, to distract her, she said:
« I hope you don't mind my company. »
« Don't worry, I don't mind seeing another naked woman, I saw many when I
was alive. »
« I had noticed, the last time you even got touched ... I could treat you like a succubus. »
« It seems an insult. What is a succubus? »
« A whore. »
Saber left the bathtub, irritated, and left the bathroom after putting on her bathrobe; When she reached the bedroom she dried her hair with a towel and closed the door of the room but Specter, who had followed her, said with an amused grin:
« I didn't think you were so sensitive, Caesar. »
« Your smile is bothering me, demon ... »
« What's your problem? I thought we were friends. » Specter asserted approaching Saber and touching her breast. « If you don't want to be my friend you can be my pastime, after all you have a divine body and I would like ... »
« First of all, get dressed, and second ... » Saber pushed Specter to the ground. « Don't treat me like I'm your toy, I have my dignity. I can't believe that I have to be your friend and not my Master's friend ... this is ridiculous. »
Specter, getting up, said to her:
« If you don't like being my friend, it's your business but know that you and I are forced to collaborate because our Masters are allie- wait. I get it! You have a problem with the fact that your Master spends a lot of time with my Master and treats him like a friend. »
« Doesn't it bother you? »
« Not so much. But why are you interested? Do you have feelings for your Master? »
« I don't even know him and that's my problem. You can't fall in love with a person if you don't know him before, and I know so little about my Master that I don't even know whether to call him "friend" ... especially after the battle against Rider ... I'm afraid he will never see me as an ally. »
« You're worrying about bullshit. The friendship of a mortal is a small matter, we demons have never worried about friendship, for us only the contracts we make with humans count. »
« That's why I never asked for your opinion ... »
« However, as I said before, you should worry about other things ... more important things. »
« What are you talking about? » Saber asked, perplexed.
« Your sword ... is it Excalibur? »
Saber turned around showing a surprised look.
« How do you know? »
« I saw Excalibur yesterday. That chasm in the park was opened by the Holy Sword of the King of Knights, I recognized it. »
« Lucius Artorius Castus ... King Arthur ... so she's here too, huh? How interesting. »
Saber didn't seem happy to hear that news but she wasn't sad either, however from her gaze it was clear that she intended to meet her on the battlefield.
« Ah! This will be wondrous! The King of Knights against the King of Dictators, the hero against the monster. In the end I was right: worrying so much about a human being is a waste of time. »
Specter left the bedroom when the door was closed, Saber let herself be led by the temptation to find out more about Alessandro Serpi: she began to search in the furniture in the room, opening drawers and also sifting through the individual books. A photograph fell from a book, Saber picked it up and saw Alessandro as a child together with his two parents, turning the photograph she read the words: "Where are you?".
« So these are the things you're hiding from me, Master? »
Saber was not satisfied with so little and decided to peek into the suitcases: she mainly found books on magic, history and philosophy and then, under these, she discovered a brown leather bag inside which there was a parchment rolled up and blocked with a string whose knot was tight. Saber untied the rope, opened the parchment and saw that on it there was a black and white coat of arms on which a snake with wings was represented; at the top left and bottom right there were two Teutonic crosses; at the top right and bottom left there were two writings: "Parcere subiectis" and "Debellare superbos".
« "Forgive those who submit"... "Defeat the proud" ... what's this? A sort of motto or something like that? »
She rolled up the scroll and placed it in the suitcase then continued with her search and found a written letter sent by a certain Luisa Benedetti. She didn't open the letter but immediately noticed that the envelope was wrinkled and there were also small tears, probably Alessandro had been about to tear it.
« NO! » She exclaimed, throwing the letter to the ground.
She knew that what she was doing was wrong, she didn't have the right to snoop in her Master's things, it was a kid thing. She put everything in order and waited for Alessandro's arrival.

Specter and Saber by Bikowolf

Serpi's family crest

lunedì 25 maggio 2020

Chapter 123 : Secrets (part 1)

February 1, 2021 - Day 6

It was about ten in the morning when Friedrich decided to meet Alessandro in his apartment. The television networks were only talking about the huge hole in Holland Park which had been linked, by some, to the disappearance of a hundred Londoners. Friedrich, hearing that news, obviously asked questions to Alessandro :
« What happened at Hyde Park? »
« It's not ... » Alessandro checked behind Friedrich, luckily Saber was in the room with Specter. He kept the volume low: « It's not a simple matter. I did a bad thing, a horrible thing. »
« What happened? » Friedrich was worried.
« Rider's Noble Phantasm was Anti-People and Saber ... she used her Noble Phantasm and killed those people. I hid the corpses using Magecraft. They are below at least thirty or forty meters of earth. Nobody will know anything. But I'm afraid. »
« This isn't a good thing but technically it's not your fault ... you have nothing to do with it and she certainly is not human and cannot receive a trial. What happened was a misfortune, but it happened. This is the problem with this war, innocent people die, it's unfair, but it's true. The best we can do is prevent others from dying. »
« But what am I supposed to do? I feel responsible for what has happened. »
« Ignore it. There's nothing you can do about it. All of this is likely to be erased and repeated. »
« What are you talking about? »
« I spoke to Yukiko. She told me everything. » Friedrich explained what Yukiko had told him and finally concluded: « So here we are: we have a divine snake out of control and a madwoman who wants to destroy everything. We are in a sea of ​​shit. »
« Fuck. »
« Plus there's Sheol. »
« Holy fuck. And then? What else is there? The Virgin Mary with the fucking club? »
« The remaining Servants. You eliminated Rider, right? So Assassin, Lancer, Archer and Berserker are remaining. »
« Do you have any idea? How should we proceed now? With all these problems it seems to me almost impossible to study an optimal strategy. »
« Yes, I have one. We can go to the Clock Tower and meet my friend Dorian. He could give us access to the library, I would like to do two researches about Nidhoggr and Sheol. I have doubts. I have to have clear ideas to know how to act. »
« Then I'll go with you. »

Alessandro warned Saber that he would go out with Friedrich to research the library. The two Servants stayed in the house. Specter was lying on the bed leafing through magazines while Saber was close to her reading Napoleon's biography.
« So ... » Specter interjected with a grin: « Let's talk about Nero and your grudge for her, ok? »
« Do you want to hurt yourself, demon? » Saber snorted, nervous.
« I'm just curious. »
« Why? There is nothing to know. It's a personal thing, it's not about you. »
« Do you prefer me to pester you every day or do you tell me now?
» Specter was stroking Saber's feet with her hand.
« I don't hate Nero. It's just that
... »
Specter got up and sat down next to Saber.
« But how do you know Nero? You were already dead when she came to power, right? »
« Before dying Aeneas appeared to me in a dream and showed me all the emperors of Rome and the fate of the Roman empire. He showed me the monarchs of the future and showed me the consequence of my actions. That's why I know about Nero. And ... »
« What didn't you like? »
« Her lack of love for what I had created, her lack of respect for what I respected and her lack of foresight. She was never worthy of being emperor of Rome. »
« Explain yourself better. » Specter had placed her head on Saber's shoulder.
« She never loved the army and war, for her the legionary soldiers were like animals that had to serve the crown. She only valued luxury, banquets and vainglory. She divided the Empire ... She treated the provinces very badly and she was fixed with idiocies such as poetry, music and entertainment when an entire country depended on her. She was in charge, she was supposed to lead the people. But do you know what she did? She transformed the throne into her stage, she became a clown with a sword. She was identical to Clodius. »
« Clodius? »
« In my day there was a man named Publius Clodius Pulcher, he was a friend of mine, young and arrogant who more than once dared to challenge me. Once he entered in my manor, he disguised himself as a woman and pretended to be me, just to spy on my wife Pompeia. He was a pig. I repudiated my wife but never accused her of cheating on me, I knew she hadn't done it but I didn't want to have the doubt of having to deal with a lover of that pervert. »
« Was he really that bad? » She asked, smiling.
« He had sex with his sister Clodia, he was corrupt, smuggled goods and loved to violate the law and have fun with married women. Cicero, my dear old friend, called him faex or scum. But I was so idiotic that I trusted him enough to make him a tribune of the plebs. He said he was on my side, he said he was a friend of the people, he proposed four laws, the Leges Clodiae which were to favor the people but in reality they had the sole purpose of disadvantaging his enemies like Cicero and me. He wanted to be the center of attention at all costs and for this reason I distanced myself from him. »
« And was Nero like him? »
« Yes. Identical to him. Many promises but in the end only dust and shame. »

Specter and Saber by Bikowolf

mercoledì 20 maggio 2020

Chapter 122 : The serpent enslaved by itself

« In the Age of Gods, in what are now the regions of Germany, there were Druidic cults dedicated mainly to the veneration of nature and the gods. Odin gave thirteen druids a sacred object that contained his blood and that could fulfill any desire: the Grail of Yggdrasil. This was the reward that the druids received in exchange for years of loyalty and love for the gods. But the envious Loki convinced the druids to use the blood of the Grail, to pour it on the ground, an unholy act, to perform a ritual that would make them like gods. The druids were deceived, the blood did nothing but attract the World Devourer, Nidhoggr, you know him, right? »
« The snake that devours the roots of Yggdrasil. He belongs to the world of the dead, if I'm not mistaken. » Friedrich replied.
« He smelled the scent of Odin's blood and wanted to devour him, but luckily the ritual was interrupted by the druids themselves who managed to use the Holy Grail of Yggdrasil as a prison and locked the divine snake inside. But this didn't happen without consequences. »
« What consequences are you talking about? »
« Nidhoggr isn't a demon and neither a spirit. He's a divinity in the true sense of the word. He's close to death, locking him up in the Grail created a paradox of universal dimensions: the eternal return of the equal. Every time the Grail was used, the Universe ended and then started again in the same way but in a slightly different way, in an imperfect way, let's say so. »
Friedrich was confused, he couldn't follow Yukiko's speech, while Hisae was now resigned and had stopped paying attention. For her, those speeches were stupid.
« Let's pretend we're in 2012 ... » Yukiko said: « And that you have decided to evoke the Holy Grail of Yggdrasil and that you have performed the ritual to activate it ... this would lead to the end of the world and its automatic rebirth. But you, in the new world, would repeat the same act of using the Grail always in the same year, this continues until the alterations in the recreated world are such as to prevent the world from ending in that same year. Sometimes a slight modification, the birth or death of a person, is enough, other times it takes more conditions. »
« So ... has this all happened before? »
« No, you weren't there. You're a modification. But you're not the modification necessary to stop this cycle, otherwise there would never have been the Holy Grail War of Yggdrasil in this year. »
« But how do you ... know these things? Who are you really? »
« An imitation. Nothing but an imitation. I know these things because I'm not human and my memory cannot be affected by the cyclical nature of things. »
« But then I never really existed? I'm noone? »
« Which of us really existed? Do you really think you're real? What makes you believe it? The fact that you are breathing, the fact that you are walking, the fact that you are thinking? Are those things necessary to make you real? Even if you do them in a dream? This world isn't so different from a dream. It's just another realm of madness dominated by the paradox of eternal cyclicity. »
« If what you say is true ... I don't understand, however, how it's possible for Nidhoggr to destroy and create as if it were ... »
« As I said: it's a paradox. That Holy Grail contained Odin's blood, it's a miraculous object and has performed a miracle: it made Nidhoggr a Ouroboros, a snake that bites its tail forming a cycle of eternity. Nidhoggr destroys and creates. Whenever. This paradox is eternal and the Holy Grail of Yggdrasil has even managed to cut itself out of the equation, remaining an unchanged event being, in fact, part of the nature of Nidhoggr itself. Which is now nothing but a divine serpent enslaved by his own
nature. »
« But I can try to end the cycle ... by destroying the Grail. »
« You could do it, but I will prevent you. »
« Why? » Friedrich asked, confused.
« Because I want to put an end to all imitations. I want to see the end of everything with my own eyes. I want to stretch this universe to the extreme. »
« No … »
« Consider me an explorer who wants to see the Void. I'm curious to see the limit between everything and nothing. So I'm here to kill you both. »
« THAT'S ENOUGH! Shut up! You're crazy! » Hisae shouted, furious: « You talk about bullshit, about cyclicity, about gods and emptiness but I don't give a shit! I just want to be by my brother's side! »
« Ah, right! The "Sunahara prodigy", the little Hiro. Speaking of cycles ... I've already killed your little brother in another world. »
« What? » Hisae was shocked.
« Exactly. I shot him in the head, right here, after that piece of trash had dared get in my way. If I have to be honest I have never had so much fun. I would like to kill you too, Hisae. I could get used to killing Sunaharas. »
« You're a whore! A dead whore! » Hisae screamed, furious.
« Come then! »
Archer was ready to use his Noble Phantasm but at that moment he saw Berserker arrive with her sword drawn, raised in the sky, the broken blade lit up and a point made of light appeared. Friedrich was amazed at the immense light, a divine light. Specter, from behind, took the Master in her arms and carried him away. While Berserker exclaimed:
« No More Avalon! (Deicide) »
A powerful, shining magic blow struck the ground in two. Archer managed to save Hisae just in time. The Servants were terrified of that devastating attack, now they knew who Yukiko's Servant was: Arthur Pendragon, the King of Knights, the one who owns Excalibur, the sword of God, blessed by angels and forged to be a weapon capable of guiding and to reunite all humanity.
The Servants retired, leaving behind a huge chasm in Holland Park.

Yukiko Kumahira by Bikowolf

lunedì 18 maggio 2020

Chapter 121 : Archer vs Specter

In Holland Park Friedrich and Specter met Hisae and Archer by pure chance, who seemed to be waiting for someone else. When the girl saw Friedrich she tapped Archer's arm and nodded her head to shoot an arrow. Specter blocked the arrow in mid-air, grabbing it even before it could hit her Master's head.
« Did you really think you could win so easily? »
« You must be Specter, I'm Archer as you may have noticed from my beautiful bow. So you're here to fight, right? »
« I hope you don't mind, Archer. Today I would like to have some fun with you. »
Hisae completely ignored Friedrich, she wasn't interested in him, she just wanted to face Yukiko so she said, in a slightly bored tone:
« I'm not going to fight you. I'm waiting for someone else. »
« Don't take it as a personal thing, but since you're here we can only eliminate you.
» Friedrich replied.
« I deduce that you come from Germany, you have a German cadence. Do you belong by chance to that organization in Hamburg that considers ordinary humans as inferior beings? »
« No, I was part of it though. But I'm not here out of greed, I'm pursuing a higher purpose. »
« I don't have time for your nonsense. But ... if you really want to fight we will finish it immediately. »
Hisae used a Command Seal to strengthen Archer. The two Servants met, therefore, in a duel to the death. Archer kept his distance and fired several arrows that Specter parried using her different blades, then the girl moved so fast that she reached her opponent and hit him with a series of attacks that made him lose his balance. Archer was about to be beheaded but managed to dodge the fatal blow and counterattacked by shooting an arrow stained with his blood, the impact of the arrow generated an incredible explosion.
Specter appeared behind Archer and attempted to stab him in the back but the man jumped forward and landed about twenty meters from the enemy.
Archer was close to Friedrich and Specter was close to Hisae. They both thought of using the opponent's Masters as hostages.
« You have interesting moves, Archer. »
« You're doing well too, Specter. I thought you were an amateur but it seems I was wrong ... »
« Honey, never judge a book by its cover. How about playing fair? »
« Ladies first. »
« What a gentleman. »
Specter removed the blade from Hisae's neck and walked away from her. Archer released Friedrich. At that moment, however, Specter kicked the girl and made her swoop down on Archer who fell to the ground.
« Woopsy, I let myself go a little. » Specter said with a sadistic smile.
Archer made sure his Master was fine, Hisae got back on her feet and Archer commented, disgusted:
« You lack of honor, Specter! »
« Never trust a demon. »
« I'll try not to repeat the same mistake twice. This time you're dead! »
Archer fired the arrow and Specter dodged it by only moving her head, the girl whistled pretending to be surprised by the blow but then heard the arrow tilt against something metallic.
Friedrich and Hisae saw that girl with that frightening black armor: Berserker. She was behind Specter, her fists wrapped in vermilion and charcoal flames. Berserker struck Specter with a punch so hard that Specter crashed into a building that was well beyond the park. Archer, confused and frightened, fired two arrows at the enemy but these broke on Berserker's armor without even scratching it.
« Okay, that's enough. Game is over. »
Yukiko Kumahira came out.
« You! I was looking for you! You owe me answers! » Friedrich exclaimed.
« Do you want answers? But do you at least know the questions? » Asked Yukiko.
« I want to know what you meant when you said that this world was only an imperfect copy of a previous one! I want to know! »
« Interesting ... so you want to know the truth, huh? Well, first you have to answer a simple question: do you think you're real? »

Specter vs Archer by Bikowolf

venerdì 15 maggio 2020

Chapter 120 : Chasing power

Rider's Noble Phantasm was something fearsome, both Saber and Alessandro Serpi were completely blown away by the effects of this. One hundred people were under Rider's control and advanced towards Saber who hesitated to hit them.
« An Anti-People Noble Phantasm. » Said Alessandro.
« I would have expected a steed. »
« At first glance I would venture to say that the "steed" is in front of us. The people are her warhorse. They are like puppets under her command. »
« All very interesting, yes, but I have to find a way to win against her. I guess you don't want to involve civilians ... »
« Don't screw up. I don't want civilian casualties, you have to kill only Rider. » Alessandro noticed that Kazuki was going away: « That one is running away. I'll follow him, you take care of Rider. »
« Okay, Master. Count on me! »
Saber dodged Rider's slaves with agility and launched a blow to the opponent but a civilian got in the way and she had to stop at the last moment. Rider took the opportunity to attack Saber from behind with a kick that unbalanced her. The slaves grabbed Saber, stopped her. Rider boldly said to her:
« Are you really a Saber? Apparently it will be very easy for me to win this Holy Grail War ... and finally I will be able to rebuild the Tokugawa shogunate. »
« So ... is that why you're fighting? »
« Exactly. I've spent all my life chasing power I can't accept a world that exists without me. Without my influence. »
« Ah, ah! I thought I was the egocentric one between the two ... but you're really interesting, I admit it. »
« What are you talking about? »
« "Chasing Power"? What is that? A horse race? You don't "chase power" ... you create it, you take it just like victory! »
Saber kicked Rider and freed herself. But at that moment the chains of three people lit up red, the men exploded. Saber managed to escape just in time but was traumatized by that macabre scenario.
« These are my puppets, Saber. You can't stop them in any way. Just give up. »
« Your people commit suicide for you. Truculent ... I like your spirit, but ... I'm not going to play with you, Rider! »
Saber was ready to use her Noble Phantasm but Rider threw another man who blew himself up. Rider thought she was safe but at that moment Saber appeared from the flames with a smile full of pride, Rider had the impression of seeing Nobunaga for a moment. She dodged the blow just in time and then recovered ground.
« That's not a good thing, Rider. »
« What are you talking about? »
Saber pointed to Rider's hand that was shaking.
« Now I understand why you used the term "chasing", you never took power, you just got it. Let me guess ... you were jealous of who had the power before you? »
« How do you know? You don't know anything about me! »
« I don't know where you come from ... but politics never changes. I have seen a lot of people like you. All the same ... all jealous. I've seen a lot of people like you. You're not worthy of being my opponent. Let's end these games, would you like to? »
« If I'm not mistaken, your Master told you not to hurt civilians. »
« My Master should have been informed about my campaigns in Gaul. »
Saber raised her sword and exclaimed:
« Legio Gallica! (My Eighth Legion That Served in Gaul) »
Suddenly Rider found herself in the vast lands of Gaul and ten thousand Roman legionaries on foot appeared behind Saber. The girl lowered her sword and the legion set off on the attack.
Saber's legion killed all of Rider's slaves and also Rider was eventually hit by the legionaries.
The territories of Gaul disappeared. The Noble Phantasm had run out. Rider was seriously injured and could no longer count on the magical energy of her Master, now it was obvious that she would die ... nothing could have saved her.
« You have wounds that are too serious to heal. You will die. » Saber said, sheathing her sword.
« This is my destiny ... I couldn't stop you ... Saber ... »
« I won't cry for you, Rider. Just know this. »
« I was right ... » Rider was crying: « You're just like Nobunaga ... »

Saber found herself alone. Rider had just disappeared and Alessandro Serpi, who had a stressed face, came out of nowhere.
« The Master? Did you get him? »
« He ran away. And you ... what about Rider? »
« Well, I ... »
Alessandro looked around and saw an unparalleled macabre spectacle: bodies piled like garbage bags, the blood red that dyed the grass and that swarm of dull faces with open mouths and eyes wide open to nothing. The boy, traumatized by that scenario, stammered:
« What did you do? Did you kill them? »
« Are you surprised? »
« Are you joking?! SABER! You killed those people! They were innocent! They were civilians! They had nothing to do with this fucking war! » Alessandro shouted.
« Do you think I care? »
« Don't you realize what you've done? Don't you realize what you've just done? »
« Master ... this is WAR. There are no rules, there's no mercy for anyone. They were unlucky, I didn't hate them ... I was forced. Rider forced me. This is the truth. This was the only possible solution. »
« That's enough! Enough … shut up. You're only justifying yourself, but you've committed an atrocity. I don't care if this is "war", those people had nothing to do with it! You're wrong! And now, to make matters worse, you have complicated things for us. There's the Mage's Association, this genocide will not be ignored! There will be investigations and ... »
« No. None of this will happen. »
« What are you saying? »
« This will be our secret. I bet a magus like you knows some magic that can hide these bodies. We're going hide all the evidence and pretend it never happened. »
« Why should I do such a thing? »
« Because you want a happy life, and having problems with the law could damage this desire. You and I are in this war together, you're my comrade in arms, my ally, you have to stay by my side until the end or your wish will be ruined. »
Saber's words were full of cynicism, her reasons were wrong but the way she said those things, the tone of her voice, were able to make Alessandro's accusing gaze a docile submissive look. He had to accept Saber's plan. But with grudge he said:
« I thought you were a Heroic Spirit ... but now I realize that you're more like a
monster. »
Saber, with a smirk on her face, replied:
« There are no heroes in Rome, only winners and conquerors. »

Saber by Bikowolf

lunedì 11 maggio 2020

Chapter 119 : Ieyasu Tokugawa (part 2)

Toyotomi Hideyoshi became an increasingly relevant samurai and in 1579, Ieyasu, wanted to forge a relationship with him in the hope of never having to fight him. The girl continued to fight in the service of Oda Nobunaga with extreme loyalty but there was something that was tormenting her: it was the desire to be like Nobunaga. That little girl, the Demon King, had managed to defeat the greatest men in Japan and was one step away from bringing the whole territory together.
Ieyasu knew she was not like Nobunaga but she wanted to be at her level, she wanted to be like her: strong, confident and above all powerful enough to decide the fate of the whole of Japan.
In 1582 the news of Nobunaga's death reached Ieyasu's ears. Maybe her time had come. But it was not so. The struggle for power was fought between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie.


Ieyasu wanted to manipulate Oda Nobukatsu to get an alliance and fight against Toyotomi Hideyoshi. There was the Komaki and Nagakute campaign which ended in a truce between the two factions.
« I will accept our alliance, Ieyasu, but not out of respect but because I know you need me. »
The two were in Hideyoshi camp a few days after the conflict ended.
« As I suspected, you longed to take over the power that was once in Nobunaga's hand. But you've failed. Everything that once belonged to the Oda is now mine and you have lost. »
« I won the battle and you know it. I could have ... »
« You only won because you caught me off guard. You got lucky. My army is bigger than yours and Nobukatsu's combined. I can crush you at any moment. But I'm magnanimous and I won't. We come, therefore, to our agreements: the wars between the two of us will cease, we will be allies and in return you will not lose everything you have built with the help of Nobunaga. Do you like it as an idea? »
« Just one thing: was Akechi Mitsuhide really killed? »
« Why do you ask? »
« All your fame, all your power is based solely on that assassin's death. But is he dead? Where's the body? What happened at Yamazaki? »
« Enough, Ieyasu! Don't play with my patience. I don't have time for these idiocies! He is dead and if you are not careful you will also have his end! Do you accept the alliance or not? »
« Yes I accept. I have no other choice. »
« Good. You will always be a puppet, remember that. »


Toyotomi Hideyoshi had died two years earlier. Ieyasu Tokugawa, after a long time, saw again a glimmer of light, the possibility of obtaining the power that she had longed for however she had to face this time Ishida Mitsunari, who even tried to assassinate her. But Ieyasu was determined to become the most powerful figure in all of Japan. She was tired of being treated like a puppet, she was tired of being under someone. Everything was ready for the final battle, the battle that would decide the fate of Ieyasu.
The girl was in her camp, eager to brandish her sword and kill Mitsunari with her own hands. One of her vassals, Honda Tadakatsu, came to her with a very curious question:
« This is the final battle, my lady, there is an air of uncertainty, fate could be against us. But why are we here? Why do you want to face Ishida Mitsunari? »
« Power, Tadakatsu. Only power. »
« Power? »
« I've been in someone else's hands since I was little. My fate has never been truly mine. Having power means being in control of your destiny, your fate. Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Imagawa Yoshimoto and even my father ... they were all masters of their destiny. And me? Nothing. I never had that power. I want it. I desire it with all of myself. That's why we are here. »
« And once you get that power? »
« I will be able to start living. »
The battle of Sekigahara was fought on October 21, 1600. Tokugawa Ieyasu emerged victorious, thus becoming the most powerful person in Japan. She founded the Tokugawa shogunate in 1603 but abdicated two years later leaving room for her heir son: Tokugawa Hidetada.


Ieyasu Tokugawa was in her home. A messenger arrived and informed her of some of her son's policies.
« No, it's not a good thing. Tell him to think again, we must make sure that we have good relations with the rest of the world. We can trade with the Netherlands and Spain but we must avoid the presence of Christian monks who indoctrinate our people. Merchant ships must be checked. I don't trust those religious faithful. They are dangerous. »
Honda Tadakatsu visited Ieyasu, saw the hasty messenger pass by and commented:
« You have the reins, my lady. Even if your son is shogun, you are the one in charge. How do you feel? »
« After a long time I got what I wanted. Now the others are my puppets. Japan is mine, I have surpassed Nobunaga and Hideyoshi too, I've overcome anyone. But now …
« Why are you crying? »
« Nobody lives forever. Now that I have realized my dreams I fear that my death is near. I'm afraid I'm not destined to see the fruits of my work. How long will my shogunate last? How long will the nation I built remain standing? I'm afraid, Tadakatsu, I'm very afraid. All this could end tomorrow. Nobunaga's death proved it: a spark is enough and the world changes. »
« That's the way things go, my lady. But enjoy these moments, you have fulfilled your desire, many cannot. This is your moment. »
« I will miss our battles, Tadakatsu. I will really miss them. »
Ieyasu Tokugawa died on June 1, 1616. The Tokugawa shogunate remained standing until 1868.

Ieyasu Tokugawa by Bikowolf

domenica 3 maggio 2020

Chapter 118 : Ieyasu Tokugawa (part 1)

Born with the name Matsudaira Takechiyo on January 31, 1543. She was born in the Mikawa province. She was the daughter of a powerful feudal lord named Matsudaira Hirodata. His clan was characterized by several family differences: some wanted to join the Oda others wanted to get closer to the Imagawa. The young Takechiyo was born in a climate where one could not even trust one's relatives.


Takechiyo was only five when she accidentally heard her father
make arrangements with Imagawa Yoshimoto's representative.
« The Oda clan is invading our lands. Mikawa will fall into their hands if we don't do something, understand? I need help from Yoshimoto, I need his army otherwise we will end up in Nobuhide's hands! »
« I understand your regret, the Oda clan is very dangerous but my lord is kind and wants to offer his help to your clan. But there's a price to pay: my lord has imposed as a condition that your daughter be sent to Sunpu as a hostage in exile. »
« Why? »
« Don't discuss my lord's choices. Do you accept or not? »
Hirodata was hesitant, Takechiyo was eavesdropping and was convinced that her father would never agree to such a thing. It would have been crazy.
« Will I have the help I need to stop the Oda clan? »
« You will have all the help you need, yes. »
« Okay, then I accept. »
Takechiyo's heart stopped. Her father had practically thrown her out of the house. However, the plan was not as successful as hoped for. Nobuhide learned of the agreement between Yoshimoto and Hirodata and kidnapped little Takechiyo by taking her to Kowatari Castle. He threatened to kill her. In the end he didn't.


Matsudaira Takechiyo changed her name to Matsudaira Motoyasu and began serving the Imagawa clan, which sometimes allowed her to return to Mikawa. In 1558 she led the siege of Terabe, a castle in the hands of the Ogasawara clan who was allied to the Oda clan. After the victory, Motoyasu was already on the return journey to be welcomed as a winner. Marching on horseback, the girl thought about her life, had a goal in mind and felt she was unable to achieve it as long as she remained under the Imagawa clan. The clan was giving her more autonomy but she wanted to be reunited with the Matsudaira clan.
During a visit to Mikawa she met a member of her clan with whom she delved into a pleasant discussion that changed the tone when the fatal question came:
« How long do you intend to serve the Imagawa clan, Motoyasu? »
« Yours is a strange question. »
« Your clan is afraid that you will remain a puppet of Yoshimoto, we're afraid. Your father never wanted this. »
« My father sold me! I was only five years old and he traded me like an object. I'm not going to be treated this way by Yoshimoto too, you can count on it. Maybe one day I'll be free. I just need a divine signal, a sign that tells me that the time has come to realize my destiny in this world. »
« What did you have in mind? You are a successful general, the soldiers trust you. Maybe you should consider total autonomy. »
« No, it would be madness now. Have you heard of the Demon Girl? Oda Nobunaga. She's apparently more feared than any other monster and more adored than any other deity. Her allies respect her, her enemies fear her and the earth trembles as she passes. She's my way out. She can give me what I'm looking for. With Oda Nobunaga by my side I will be powerful enough to crush the Imagawa clan, I'm sure. »
« And then? »

« Then fate will decide for me. »
In the same year there was the battle of Okehazama at the end of which Oda Nobunaga managed to kill Imagawa Yoshimoto. Motoyasu was baffled by Nobunaga's skill, no one would have been able to defeat an army of 25,000 men with only 3,000. Motoyasu decided to sever all ties with the Imagawa clan and to ally herself with the Oda clan.


Matsudaira Motoyasu had recently changed her name to Tokugawa Ieyasu. By now she was a figure respected by her soldiers and loved by the people. Surrounded by powerful warriors, the girl continued to fight alongside Oda Nobunaga. One day the girl received an unexpected visit from another famous Nobunaga ally: Toyotomi Hideyoshi. This man knew Ieyasu's aims and wanted to confront her.
« It's now clear that you're continuously seeking autonomy. » Hideyoshi asserted.
« What are you insinuating? Do you really think that I want to betray Nobunaga? »
« I'm not an idiot, everyone knows why you've allied yourself with Nobunaga: you're using her for your personal purposes. You're looking for power, you're looking for total independence. »
« You're insulting me! » She exclaimed nervously.
« Stop being a victim! We both know that you're not. You're jealous of Nobunaga, you're jealous of the power that she has managed to achieve and you want to have the same things that she has. But you won't succeed. If Nobunaga dies, you'll have problems with me, Ieyasu. If there was a podium you would be in third place and I in second. »
« Now you're really pissing me off, Hideyoshi. Shut up or I'll cut your tongue. »
« Don't get me wrong, I don't want to attack you, I just want to give you a kind advice: stay in your place and don't try to reach peaks that you can't even see. You're not capable of being independent, you will always be like a child accompanied by your mother. »

« Get out of here! » Ieyasu shouted.
Ieyasu had been offended by Hideyoshi's brash attitude but could not deny herself that she had that lust for power. She had actually become jealous of Nobunaga.

Ieyasu Tokugawa as a child by Bikowolf

sabato 2 maggio 2020

May update

The last time I published was April 25, if I'm not mistaken, I'm continuing to write but it takes longer than expected. The study is taking me a long time and even making videos on YouTube is quite challenging, but don't worry I haven't stopped writing.
The new chapter will probably be published between today and tomorrow. 😉