mercoledì 30 ottobre 2019

Chapter 57 : Never weaker (part 2)

Harumi had managed to defeat Rybakov temporarily, she didn't know how she did it but she was glad to be able to breathe a sigh of relief but the calm didn't last long. The girl immediately noticed that, a little further on, Archer was in trouble, he was about to turn into stone due to Assassin's Noble Phantasm, the girl had a moment of panic but stopped her fear and decided to use a Command Seal to strengthen her Servant.
Archer, who at that moment thought he was about to die, felt stronger than before and gradually began to move towards his opponent, smashing the stone arms that were immobilizing him. One step after another, little by little, with effort and pain, Archer finally managed to get out of Assassin's fearsome Noble Phantasm.
« How the hell did you do that ?! » Assassin exclaimed, bewildered.
« My princess ... it is thanks to her if I can continue to fight, and it's for her that I will win this battle, Assassin! »
Archer stood up and hit Assassin in the face then realized that the skill that made his opponent intangible only worked if he didn't show his true face. Archer picked up his bow, turned and shot an arrow but his opponent was able to dodge it and threw two knives, Archer rolled to the ground, stood up and fired two more arrows but Assassin managed to block them using the rifle .
« That weapon you have seems effective, why don't you use it? » Archer asked, curious.
« Are you talking about the gun? I would like to use it freely but I would risk consuming all the magic energy of my Master, I prefer to use my dear old knives if you
don't mind. »
« No problem. »
Archer shot another arrow but in that instant Assassin felt his strength increase and he was able to stop the arrow by grabbing it in mid-air. Harumi, who was witnessing the battle, noticed that Rybakov had recovered and that he had used a Command Seal to reinforce Assassin.
« You don't know when to give up, girl. » Rybakov said.
« Neither do you. » She answered.
« Maybe you're right, but you'll never win this battle. »
« We'll see. Archer, you know what you need to do. »
Archer made a satisfied grimace and moved away from the battlefield, stood on the roof of the first building available and activated his Noble Phantasm. Archer's bow brightened and suddenly blue spiritual archers appeared on his left, Archer exclaimed:
« Admire, Assassin! Admire the army that brought the British to victory during the battle of Azincourt! No one can stop their arrows! No one can defeat these brave soldiers! »
Rybakov succeeded in counting at least a thousand of those astral archers and had immediately realized Archer's purpose and so he told Assassin:
« Get away! That thing will kill us both! »
« Not even in two thousand years! I'll stop it! » Assassin tried to reach Archer.
« Stop! Stop, you idiot! » Yelled Rybakov
« Too late! Left Wing of Agincourt! (Great Battle of Azincourt) » Archer shouted.
All the archers started shooting thousands of arrows and then Rybakov immediately took cover while Assassin hoped to avoid all enemy attacks but that was not the case. The arrows completely destroyed the square of Trafalgar Square. Harumi had found a safe place to shelter from her Servant's Noble Phantasm and for a moment she thought the battle was over but then she saw that Assassin was still standing, badly injured, but on his feet.
« Really a nice trick, Archer. » Assassin said, panting with fatigue.
« You're still alive, son of a dog. Why do you keep breathing? »
« I won't let you kill me. I won't let anyone kill me. I am above all of you! »
« You really are pathetic, Assassin. I would have expected an adversary capable of accepting defeat with honor but you are not so. You continue to fight even when it is obvious that you have lost. »
« I have not lost! » Screamed Assassin, furious.
Archer shot a single arrow at Assassin's forehead but he, for some strange reason, did not die. He tore the arrow from his head and continued to advance towards Archer who hit him with two more arrows, but Assassin didn't want to stop. He proceeded undaunted like a zombie and constantly murmured a prayer.
Harumi was upset, she had never seen anyone so stubborn to live as Assassin. It was like a ghost that constantly tried to stay in the world clinging even to the thinnest silk thread but in the end Archer shot three arrows together that hit the heart and lungs. Assassin finally fell to the ground and raising a rancorous look said:
« We were not made to triumph over our past. We are slaves of destiny and you too, Archer you will realize ... one day ... »
Assassin disappeared before the eyes of Rybakov resigned to the idea that it was now impossible to go on with the battle.

Chapter 56 : Never weaker (part 1)

Harumi and Rybakov were fighting in the square of Trafalgar Square. Clovis Wolff knew that it would be useless to intrude and so he decided to flee to regroup. Harumi summoned a magic circle to be able to enhance her physical abilities and tried to hit Rybakov, who was however protected by two mastiffs made of black sand. The girl was not able to fight both beasts and had to catch up to be able to keep from being attacked.
Rybakov was impressed to see the rival's more determined and courageous movements and commented:
« Something in you has changed since the last time we faced each other. »
« I already told you: this time I won't lose. I will win the Holy Grail War at any cost! »
« You're a foolish girl. How do you plan to win in a situation like this? Due to Clovis's stunt, the police will soon arrive, if not the army. Do you really think you have enough time to beat me? »
« Yup! » She exclaimed, creating a magic circle under Rybakov that threw him into the air.
The girl reached the man thanks to a magic circle that she created under her feet and prepared to hit the enemy but this made a whistle and the two dogs broke down and turned into a black sand shield that protected Rybakov from Harumi's attacks . The two landed and the girl summoned another magic circle but this time she was wounded by a mastiff that bit her ankle and dragged her to the ground. Harumi, while experiencing a piercing pain, kicked the creature but it was all useless and so she created a magic circle under the dog that threw him into the sky, the animal fell to the ground and returned sand.
« You've been good, but you're too slow. » Rybakov said.
Harumi had a severely injured ankle but still got to her feet.
« Why do you keep fighting, Harumi? Don't you realize that you will die this way? Wouldn't it be easier to give up and leave this war to those like me? »
« No. »
« No? »
« No! » She screamed.
« You're sweating because you're trying to resist pain, aren't you? You want to cry, you just want to leave and close the wound so that it doesn't hurt anymore, right? So why do you pretend to be strong? »
Harumi lost her balance but managed not to fall, but was forced to put weight on her injured ankle but still she held back her painful moans and, clenching her teeth, threw a pugnacious glance at the enemy.
« You're giving up. You're still a little girl, you can't fight an expert magus. It was enough to hurt your ankle to put you in this situation, I can order my dog to attack you again and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. »
« So ... are you telling me to give up my wish? »
« Exactly. »
« Ah! » She exclaimed.
« What's so funny, girl? »
« Nothing, it's just that ... if you were in my situation would you give up the Holy Grail, the possibility of realizing any desire? »
« Obviously. I have my desire but this is not worth more than my life. »
« Then you're not like me. I have a desire that I am willing to die for. I must win the Holy Grail War! » Exclaimed Harumi.
« But you will never be strong enough to make it happen. Life is like that, girl: only the strong can get what they want and you're not strong. You are not strong enough to move forward. »
« So? No one is born strong! NO ONE! I hate to be fragile, I hate being weak, I hate being targeted by those stronger than me who take advantage of my weakness to hurt me! That's why I don't accept it! That's why I go ahead! Because I'm not strong enough to give up my desire! »
« What you say doesn't make sense. »
« It doesn't make sense to you but to me ... it's all I have! I've got only this! And I won't let you take away from me the only thing that keeps me going! »
« You're right, nobody is born strong but becoming strong is something that few can do and you don't seem like one who can do such a thing. Give up and live, it's not
worth it. »
« THAT'S ENOUGH! » She screamed, generating a magic circle under her feet that had a dragon symbol.
That magic circle gave off a light similar to that of a rainbow and regenerated the wound that the girl had in her ankle. Rybakov was shocked when he saw that scene.
Harumi exclaimed vigorously and with tears in her eyes:
« I'm tired of being crushed! I'm tired of being treated badly! I want to live! And maybe I'll never be strong but I don't want to be weak anymore! From today things change! »
Rybakov ordered his mastiff to attack Harumi but this one, whose body was wrapped in those bright colors, managed to pulverize the dog with a kick and then ran at full speed against Rybakov, who had remained petrified by how the girl had managed to find again the energies to fight. Harumi punched Rybakov in the face and turned the man over by knocking him out.

domenica 27 ottobre 2019

Alessandro Serpi and Gaius Julius Caesar

I'm going on with the writing of the Fate / Yggdrasil chapters, I'm sorry if I'm putting a little time into getting them out but it's not easy to write and correct continuously. The ideas are missing after a while. Sometimes I find the time to post this very nice stuff. Maybe you will like it.

I posted other drawings on Pixiv. This is the link if you are interested:

lunedì 21 ottobre 2019

Sorry but this made me laugh 😂

Sorry but when I saw this image I could not stop laughing. You may be wondering why, well technically the Roman legion did not like Nero because the latter almost never went to war and considered his soldiers like savages. Emperor Nero was so obsessed with art and poetry that he could not see himself as a dux bellorum and above all he had never had an experience on the battlefield.
The thing that makes me laugh at this image is that it seems that Nero was a great Roman general whom the soldiers loved, but in truth the legionaries detested Nero.
The only military campaign he did was in Armenia, the other military campaigns left them to the generals and perhaps this may explain the lack of trust Rome had in him, you must remember that the legion was the heart, the sword and the shield of the empire.
But maybe I'm too petulant, but it's funny to see that the Japanese don't know anything about European history and especially Roman history. All Nero fans who treat this character as a very successful Roman general are slightly (slightly) ignorant, that's all.

domenica 20 ottobre 2019

Lore : The Ides of March

One of the most tragic moments in the history of Rome was certainly the cesaricide, but the death of Caesar was not only a human event since it was able to shake the realms that transcended humanity. The Coven scholars recall that the day before the death of Caesar there was a very high number of omens, a quantity that had never been seen before, it was as if the cosmic balance was about to be broken forever. The various omens that preceded the death of Caesar were:

. Heavenly fires burned mysteriously in the sky
. Lonely birds stopped in the Roman forum to do nothing but look at the void
. At night there were nocturnal noises that were disturbing, and some claimed that they were the cries of the Earth
. Caesar, during the sacrifice of an animal, did not find the heart of this and this event frightened the people of Rome
. The horses that passed the Rubicon with Caesar refused to run, some started to cry and others let themselves die
. A small bird, a wren that in Rome was considered the royal bird, alighted in the Curia of Pompey, or where the Senate met, and carried in its beak a twig of laurel but was immediately killed by crows that came from nowhere 
. It is said that the priests of Jupiter had seen the beginning of an era of pain and suffering
. Caesar was approached by a soothsayer named Artemidorus who put her on guard of the danger that awaited her and of the approaching death
. Caesar was also stopped by a haruspex named Spurinna who told her to pay attention to the Ides of March and Caesar mocked this and said that by now the Ides of March had ended
. Even the third wife of Caesar, Calpurnia, had the feeling that the end of Caesar would be near and asked her not to leave the house but Caesar reassured her and went out anyway 
. Finally, Caesar dreamed of being taken by Jupiter to the Elysian Fields the night before his death and there he met Romulus together with Aeneas and the two embraced her and carried her to a golden throne on which an eagle rested.

These omens, for the Coven, were not something ordinary and certainly were a sign that the world was suffering from the loss of Gaius Julius Caesar. For this reason the Grand Master Arturo Leoni VI said that the caesaricide was both a crime against Caesar and a crime against humanity itself.

Another nude of Caesar

Rider's face

This is the face of Rider or Ieyasu Tokugawa.

One of the things I like most about Rider is the black / yellow / green combination, which is why when I thought of her I wanted to give her those three colors.

sabato 19 ottobre 2019

Chapter 55 : Archer against Assassin

Assassin threw several daggers against Archer but he was able to dodge them and counterattacked by shooting three arrows in a row, but the arrows passed through Assassin who quickly attacked his rival with drawn daggers. Archer parried the various shots using the bow and then, with incredible speed, he launched a kick but did not hit Assassin and then Archer remembered that the ability of the rival had a limit: he could only avoid one attack at a time.
Archer jumped back and shot two arrows at the same time and then Assassin was forced to dodge to avoid being hurt but counterattacked by throwing more daggers that Archer parried using  the steel armor.
« Finally you are proving yourself a worthy rival, knight. » Said Assassin.
« Thank you, but I am not one who likes to be complimented by a swindler. » 
« It wasn't a compliment, I was sarcastic. You will always be weaker than me because I am a true professional when it comes to playing cunning, you are too fixated with idiocies like "honor" or "respect" which is why you are unable to give your best. »
« Do you think I'm holding back, Assassin? »
« It seems obvious to me. If it were not so you would be the weakest Archer ever. »
« Or I'm the smartest one. »
« What? »
« You're not wrong to say that I'm an honorable and respectful type but I'm not a fool, Assassin, I know how to adapt to different situations. You call me "knight" but I remind you that I am also a war man, I am a commander of soldiers. »
« So? »
« You shouldn't underestimate me, that's all. »
« Tch! You really are a lost cause. »
Assassin threw two more daggers with an irritated way of doing but Archer jumped off them, made an aerial somersault, and after landing he headed for one of the two Trafalgar Square fountains and jumped into the water. Assassin joined him and when he put his feet in the water Archer noticed that he did not splash and did not even move the liquid. Assassin threw three daggers against his rival but Archer, after dodging them, counterattacked by shooting a single arrow that wounded Assassin's shoulder.
« Curse you! » Shouted Assassin, who immediately came out of the water.
« I guess you didn't even know about it. Apparently you don't know your own ability very well, Assassin. » Archer said with a proud smile.
« Be quiet, Archer! Don't dare to utter another word! »
« But why? The Assassin class is one of the most feared due to the presence of Heroic Spirits who excel in stealth, agility, murder and possess different weapons and abilities to carry out their murders. But you ... you're a strange Heroic Spirit. It's from Regent's Park that I think about it: what kind of Assassin does fight in such a monotonous way as you? » 
« I told you to be quiet, Archer! »
« Who are you actually? »
Assassin tore the arrow from his shoulder and exclaimed angrily:
« You must be silent! »
He threw more daggers at Archer but this parried them easily by twirling his bow and then shot two arrows at the same time, Assassin was forced to dodge the blow and then asserted:
« Do you really want to know who I am? »
Assassin took off the hood that covered his head and at that moment ashes rose around him, which joined together creating an ancient rifle whose barrel was stained with blood and whose stock was wrapped in bandages and a rosary was tied to it. 
Assassin showed his face full of cuts and burns, his left eye was closed with seams. He had no hair and his ears seemed to have been eaten by rats. When Archer saw that horrible face he almost vomited. Assassin opened his right eye, blue like the ocean, and uttered these words: 
« I am damned and now I ask for God's forgiveness. »
« Who are you? What happened to your face? »
Assassin did not listen to Archer and got down on his knees, in front of the rifle he was pointing upwards, lowered his head and began to pray:
« Ойча наш, каторы ёсць у небе, свяціся iмя Тваё, прыйдзi валадарства Тваё, будзь воля Твая як у небе, так на зямлi. Хлеба нашага штодзённага дай нам сёння, і адпусцi нам правіны нашы, як мы адпускаем вiнаватым нашым, і не ўводзь нас у спакусу, але збаў нас ад злога. Амэн. (tran. Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. Our daily bread give us today, and let us our debts, as we let go of our guilt, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. ) »
Assassin got up from the ground and asked Archer: 
« Do you really want to know my identity? »
« Yes, who are you really? »
« Let my Noble Phantasm speak for me. Ya Ne Tsar ’! (The Monk Without Faith). »

Assassin fired a shot from the rifle into the sky. From the clouds came out a glow similar to that of a fire and suddenly a flaming cross appeared that cut the sky, the flames assumed a crimson color similar to blood and fell from the sky in the form of a rain concentrated on Archer who felt heavy, the bow fell from his hand and then he could no longer stand, he fell with his knees on a puddle of blood from which they came out like arms that immobilized him and then they began to become stone.
Assassin had a sadistic smile on his face and exclaimed: 
« Let your sins devour you, Archer! That blood will become stone and that stone will become dust and nothing will remain of you! »
« Why can't I ... move?" »
« That Noble Phantasm is my story, it's who I am. I was a monk blessed by God but I left my way to pretend to be tsar. I was tempted by the devil for this reason I am here. I am the one who is known as the False Dmitry I of Russia. »
Archer tried to break free but the arms of blood were too strong and Assassin mocked his rival's vain efforts:
« You are obstinate, I cannot deny this, but you will never be able to win against me. My Noble Phantasm will kill you, Archer. The war is over for you. »

Chapter 54 : Conflict without rules

Rybakov was on the Whitehall road and was walking towards Trafalgar Square. Arrived in the square he settled on a bench, took out his notebook and began to compose a short poem, he was anxious to make the most of his inspiration and so he wrote: 

We live an empty life
guided by murderous instincts.
We fight and kill them
and ourselves.
We are little more than slaves
chained to a horrible fate,
we are arrogant and sick,
infected by the plague called:
At the end of it all, what awaits us?
At the end of it all, what do we deserve?
At the end of it all, what will we get?

A slow death or a brief victory? 

Rybakov stopped writing as soon as he noticed the presence of Clovis Wolff. The man was walking towards him with a rancorous look and with strong dark circles, his fists were firmly closed and his forehead was wet. Rybakov immediately realized that something bad was going to happen shortly but he didn't get upset because only a fool would start a fight in a square full of civilians and Clovis wasn't crazy, he put away the notebook and sat on the bench as if to wait Clovis who stopped a few steps away from him.
« You will not win the Holy Grail War. » Clovis grumbled. 
« Are you here to stop me from winning? » Rybakov asked.
« Exactly. »
« Doesn't it seem a bit exaggerated to start a fight in the middle of the morning in a square full of civilians? »
« Do you think it's a problem for me? »
Rybakov immediately noticed that Clovis didn't have the Command Seal on his hand and then asked, doubtfully:
« You no longer have the Servant. Caster is dead, then? »
« Exactly, so what? I can still win this war without him. »
« I don't think you can do that, мой друг, you are literally in the worst possible scenario: you don't have a Servant and you're in front of me. What are you going to do? If you attack me you will risk attracting police attention. Is that what you want? I would think about it if I were you. » 
« Do you think I don't have the courage to take risks? »
« Risking is madness, especially in your situation. »
« You don't scare me, Russian. »
« I noticed this, but it's not about fear but of cunning. Be smart and forget it. You've already lost the war, going all the way could cost you a lot. »
« I prefer not, thanks. »
Clovis opened his hand and pointed it at a civilian who happened to be passing by, fired a magic bullet from the palm that pierced the victim's chest and killed her on the spot. The cruel murder began a chain of shouts, thrusts and crazy runs. People emptied the square in less than a few minutes but misfortune would have it that some police officers were present in Trafalgar Square and when they saw the scene they took out their guns and approached Clovis Wolff with caution. One of the policemen shouted:
« Put your hands up! »
Clovis ignored the order and fired six magic bullets from one hand at a time that killed the various policemen. Rybakov did nothing to prevent this from happening, he sat, motionless, with a calm and at times bored expression. Clovis turned to Rybakov and asserted with an evil grin:
« As you can see, I don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. May these barbarians burn! I am a magus and my priorities win over everything! »
« You're completely mad. »
« Be quiet! »
Clovis was on the point of firing another shot but Rybakov intercepted it, hit the man with a knee straight to his stomach and then, grabbing his arm, made a quick move that overturned him. Clovis fell to the ground but got up almost immediately and commented, surprised: 
« You're not just a poet, are you? There is something that does not come back to me. »
« Прости меня. I am not one who loves to talk about himself. I like to call myself a poet because I like writing poetry, but first I was something else. »
« Who taught you magic? »
« The Order of the Blessed, have you heard of it? »
« You mean the order founded by Tsar Alexander I of Russia after he retired to private life. If I am not mistaken it is the order of magi who have accepted to remain poor to respect their religious principles. »
« Quite right. It's the same one who ordered magus to accompany Soviet soldiers to Orlov when your organization attacked. »
« I knew it. I knew you weren't just a ridiculous poet. I had guessed it. »
« Magic is the poetry of battle. »
« Fine words, too bad you will die. » 
Clovis tried to hit Rybakov again but at that moment an arrow pierced his left hand. The man collapsed on the ground screaming in pain and Rybakov, surprised, turned to find the culprit and located with his eyes Archer who was on the roof of the National Gallery.
« But look at that pleasant surprise. » Rybakov muttered.
Along with Archer there was also Fukano Harumi, who descended in his arms. The girl reached Rybakov and said to him:
« I want to win this war and to do it I'll have to eliminate you. »
« Last time it didn't go well. »
« Things have changed since then. I'm ready now. »
« Perfect. Then … »
Assassin appeared behind Rybakov and immediately threw three knives at Archer, who dodged them with incredible agility. The two Servants began to clash.

martedì 15 ottobre 2019

Sorry for the delay 😔

It is taking me a while to publish Fate / Yggdrasil's chapters because I am spending my time trying to correct the various errors in the previous chapters.
I know, I know that before I said that I wouldn't correct those damn dialogues but I managed to find a way to do it quickly and so I ask you to wait. The next chapters will come out in a day or two.
But anyway I'm trying to hurry up. So far I have corrected all the chapters to the eleventh and so you will notice quite obvious differences.

mercoledì 9 ottobre 2019

Chapter 53 : Will and destiny (part 2)

Alessandro Serpi had returned to his hotel room for the last time, packed his bags with all his belongings: books, clothes, magic ingredients and the photo. That picture of the young Alessandro with his family, he turned it around and read the inscription: "Where are you?" The boy sat on the bed to look at the photograph again. Saber appeared, noticing the thoughtful look of the Master, she asked:
« Is there something bothering you, Master? »
« So many things have happened in so little time … »
« Talking about the Coven? »
« Not only. I am talking about the fact that since the Holy Grail War began I discovered I have a half-sister, I found a track to learn more about my father and I was betrayed by the Coven. What is this? »
« Destiny. » She answered with an iron conviction. 
« Destiny? Do you believe in destiny, Saber? »
« Everything in my life happened because it was destined to happen. I was predestined to become Caesar, the greatest and brightest figure in the ancient world. »
« I'm surprised, I never expected such an answer from someone like you, you know? »
« Why not? »
« Because … » Alessandro looked again at the photo and explained, with a melancholy smile: « Well, because fate is cruel and prevents you from having a real control of your life, don't you think so too? »
« No, it's not like that. Destiny is not something you have to do but something you will do. It is not an obligation, it's the purpose of your life, it's what makes you important. I think so. » She said.
« And are you happy with how your destiny came about? » Asked Alessandro, intrigued.
« Yes ... and no. »
« A very vague answer. »
Saber sat down next to Alessandro and told:
« One night, many days before my death, Aeneas appeared to me in a dream that took me to the Elysian Fields and there he told me the different repercussions of my choices on the people of Rome. I saw my adopted son, Augustus, become a mature and also capable emperor and was moved to see him in those garments. Then I saw Tiberius, he too was a capable emperor; Caligula gave me so much pain while Claudius made me smile making me hope in Rome. »
Saber's gaze darkened and Alessandro worried:
« What happens, Saber? Is there anything that troubles you? »
« I got angry. I got very angry when I saw Claudius's successor, I got angry and cried for the future of Rome. »
« Who are you talking about? »
« Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. That person does not deserve to be considered a princeps of Rome, she does not deserve it and she never deserved it. »
« Why did she make you angry? »
« How can I respect an emperor who refuses to fight and lead military campaigns? How can I commend a person who disrespects the legion that made Rome great? How can I love a family member who has betrayed my ideals? Nero and I have nothing in common. Nero is just a selfish party lover, a lazy person who basks in luxury but forgets the bigger goals. Do you know why they say she is "crazy"? »
« Because they say she burned Rome? »
« No, because her inability to face life and her obstinacy to seek luxury without pain have led her to deny the ideal of princeps. I despise Nero and for this, when I saw her, I cried for my beloved Rome but I accepted my destiny and went ahead. »
« It almost seems like you have a personal problem with Nero. » Noticed Alessandro, slightly surprised. 
« In her name there is my name. She betrayed Caesar's ideals and this is unforgivable! » She screamed getting up from the bed.
« Calm down, Saber, I didn't want to make you angry. »
« Listen to me, Master, I want you to know this: if you ever meet Nero in the future, don't trust her. Under that smile she hides the face of a paranoid and selfish demon. »
« Saber … » Alessandro didn't know what to say, his Servant seemed to talk about her nemesis.
« I won't hide it, I would really like to be able to fight her only to have the opportunity to kill her with my own hands. »

Chapter 52 : Will and destiny (part 1)

The water slid over Harumi's body, the girl was caught and almost asleep because of the hot water vapor in the shower. By now it was ten minutes that she was in the bathroom, Archer thought as he prepared for the next battle. His Master was a skilled girl, with an incredible willpower and a fighting spirit like that of a knight but unfortunately after the last battle she was convinced of being a total failure, of being unable to fight against the other Masters.
Archer was determined to make Harumi change her mind but he didn't know how to convince her, after all the same girl was stopping to trust his words.
Harumi came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and saw that Archer was waiting for her. She asked, puzzled:
« Something wrong, Archer? »
« I would like to talk to you about something, princess. »
« Of what? »
« Can you sit for a moment? »
« Okay. »
The girl sat on the first available chair and covered herself well with the dress so as not to make her legs too visible. Archer stood in front of her and said:
« I understand you. I know how you feel, princess, I understand it perfectly, I wish you knew. »
« Ok, then? »
« I know you are losing faith in my words, you believe that you are a failure and that you are incapacitated but it's not true. You are the strongest person I have ever known. »
« You're raving, we both know I suck as a Master. There are people more valid than me in this war, it's no use fooling around. »
« Princess, listen to me, please. »
« Okay, I'm listening. »
« You know my identity, right? »
« Certainly. »
« I am Thomas de Camoys, the noble commander who fought in the battle of Agincourt. But it's not my battles that I want to talk to you about but the women I've met. As you know I got married twice. The first woman I married was named Elizabeth Louches and she was a mean woman, overbearing, vain and too self-centered. She always talked about herself and was devoid of empathy for me. She said she loved me but I knew it wasn't true, I knew it because her gaze was that of a manipulator. »
« So ...? »
« I'm not done yet. » Scolded Archer.
« Okay, sorry. Go ahead. »
« My second wife was Elizabeth Mortimer, a widow. Her husband had been killed on the battlefield and when we were married I thought she was the typical fragile princess with no character, but I was wrong. One day I asked her about her previous husband and she didn't cry but she revealed that she would like to be on the battlefield to murder the men who had killed him. She said it with so much conviction that even I had goose bumps. She had a fire in her eyes, the same as a knight and she took my breath away. You are like her. »
Harumi snorted in disbelief, and looked away from Archer's sincere eyes, it was as if she refused to be encouraged but he didn't stop. Archer took Harumi's hands, stroked them and kissed them gently, then muttered:
« You are exactly like her. You are kind but strong, you have the spirit of a lioness and no one can stop you. That's why you're my princess. »
« Why do you say these things? » Harumi began to cry and shook hands with his Servant, as if not letting him escape.
« Because it's the truth. »
« What if it wasn't? What if I'm weak? What if you're wrong about everything? I don't want to disappoint you, Archer. I'm afraid of disappointing you, I'm afraid of making you an unhappy person I'm afraid I'm just a burden to you. Look at me, I didn't even get a victory. How can you cheer for someone like me? How can you be on the side of a loser? »
« You're not a loser! Look into my eyes and listen to me, Harumi! You are not a loser. Losing is normal, it is part of life, we are all wrong and we all fall, but it's how we react to those defeats that establish who we are! You are not a loser! »
« But … »
« And don't dare to say even as a joke that you will disappoint me because it's impossible. I have a great respect for you, there is nothing in the world that can change this. »
Harumi felt a rush of heat run through his body, his eyes got even more wet and his heart started beating frantically. Archer's eyes were eyes overflowing with love, a love that Harumi had been looking for a long time. The girl hugged Archer and he cuddled her. 
« Let it out, Princess, you need it. »
« I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you, I never realized how much you really cared about me! »
« It's okay, princess, it's all right. »
That night Archer put Harumi to bed, kissed her on the forehead, and bowed to her, promising he would win the Holy Grail War.

Chapter 51 : Meeting of the magicians

Viktor Augustav Stirgold was in a huge circular room in front of an audience of at least five hundred people. The room was lit only by a screen behind Viktor and on this you could see a video of the news in which there was talk of the terrorist attack that took place at the London hospital. The video was mute and Viktor explained the situation to his colleagues:
« There is a problem, we can no longer ignore it. Bradley Jenkins understood this first and proposed to destroy the Holy Grail because he knew, better than all of us and even better than myself, that this war is not like any other. The number of civilian victims amounts to one thousand four hundred sixty. It's a scary number, isn't it? It frightens because no Holy Grail War had ever mowed so many lives in so little time. The Ibaraki Disaster, the earthquake in Regent's Park, the clashes in the Nine Lives Tree hotel and then the attack on the hospital a few days ago. »
A magus in the audience stood up and asked:
« Bradley's murder was the Coven's fault, wasn't it? Who says they are not responsible for these incidents too? »
« Because they are not. » Viktor replied.
« You have no evidence to prove it. »
« And do you have the evidence to prove otherwise? »
The man sat down quietly and let Viktor continue:
« The Coven has attacked the Mage's Association, this is an undeniable fact and they will answer for their actions but it's not our only problem. The Holy Grail is our problem. Bradley Jenkins hoped to destroy it but we know that it cannot be done because this Grail is divine. It was born from the sacrifice of Odin, the ruler of Asgard. There is no way to destroy such a powerful sacred object, we do not know the way but ... we can prevent it from being materialized in this world. »
« How? » Asked another man who stood up. 
« Initially I thought that the attack on the hospital had been orchestrated by the Coven but then I remembered two things: first, the Coven does not use homunculi because it considers them blasphemous; second, a member of the Coven had been targeted by terrorists. So this means there is someone else. We did research at the hotel where the clash between Saber, Archer, Rider and Berserker took place, and we discovered that there were remains of homunculi inside. We investigated the history of that hotel and discovered that the number of residents has never increased and never dropped, it has always been the same. »
« Impossible. » Said one.
« Right observation. » Viktor said: « The hotel owners do not even live in England and the only female resident is our suspect: Kumahira Yukiko. We know nothing about her, but it's possible that she was the one who orchestrated the attack on the hospital. »
« But is she even a magus? »
« Obviously. » Viktor answered.
« Do you have proof? »
« I have police photos. Apparently she was on the train that had been hijacked and was fighting the Master of  the Caster class Servant. Is this proof enough for you? I suspect this girl is our real enemy. The Coven can be a problem but now it's not relevant, now Kumahira Yukiko is our real problem. This girl is dangerous, very dangerous and we have an obligation to stop her. »
« Why? We don't even know if she's the one who will do the ritual to materialize the Holy Grail! » Another man exclaimed.
« Of course we don't know but there are only two possibilities: either it's the Coven or it's her. There is no one else in this war. Do you really want me to believe that the Coven is in possession of the tools to do such a ritual? Surely they would have already done it and would not have wasted their time making a war. »
« So are you telling us that the Mage's Association has to use its resources and its men just to look for a little girl? »
« I don't understand this aversion. I want to prevent the number of victims from rising exponentially. I want the good of the world, is it so wrong to want something so 
simple? »
« What if you were wrong? What if it's all a gigantic conspiracy by the Coven? »
« It's not credible! » Viktor retorted.
« However the Coven killed Bradley Jenkins. »
« Let's stop banging your head against a wall! The Coven is not our real enemy right now! We'll think about them later! Now we have to think about … »
« And what about your contact? »
« Who are you talking about? »
«Of the boy who belongs to the Coven, the one you met yesterday. Why did you make friends with him? What do you hope to get? »
« Do you suspect me? »
« Give me a reason not to do it. »
« I established contact with Alessandro Serpi, we need his help and thanks to him we captured the one that killed Bradley Jenkins. »
« But … » A woman stood up and commented: « Although this contact made us a service, betraying his allies, the fact remains that the Coven is responsible for Jenkins' death. Kumahira Yukiko is only a Master, we have no reason to believe that she is the real threat. On the contrary, the Coven has both the means and the knowledge to be able to perform a ritual to materialize the Holy Grail. You've probably lost sight of the big picture, you've got fixed and now you want to convince us all that this Yukiko is the problem, I don't know why but I advise you to resign. »
« But … » 
« Enough! »
« You don't understand … »
« Viktor Augustav Stirgold, I call you back to order! »
Viktor, desolate, left the meeting room slamming the door, no longer wishing to waste time with stubborn people. The Mage's Association, convinced that the real enemy was the Coven, decided to organize a meeting with the Grand Master so as to establish the fate of their alliance.

The damned citation symbols

Just the other day I had my friend read my blog and she made me notice a small error (small, small error): practically every time I make a dialogue I use these symbols "< >" instead of these "« »" and when I noticed it too I was very embarrassed. But she told me that it's not very important because anyway it's understood that they are dialogues but technically it's a mistake.
So here's what I will do: to stay consistent with the style used so far I will continue to use those symbols.
Why not correct them? Because to correct every single symbol I should use the symbols on the computer but they are not on Blogger and therefore I should use Microsoft Word to correct every single dialogue and it could take too long. 
So to conclude: 
I'm an idiot, I'm sorry but (as we say in Italy) "This is the soup or that is the window.". Let's go down this road without any problem, okay? Ok.😋

Fuck shit symbols! 😫😫

Lore : Order of the Blessed

A Russian monastic order founded in 1836 by the monk Fëdor Kuz’mič. This organization still exists today in Russia and could be defined as the equivalent of the Congregation in Italy, in fact this order shares the same principles of fidelity towards an ecclesiastical authority that in this case however is the Orthodox Church.
The history of the Order of the Blessed is shrouded in mystery since its members are known to practice magic and some of them rebelled against the Soviet Union while others agreed to work in the KGB with the end of Stalin's dictatorship. Nikita Chruščëv, probably around 1955, understood the usefulness of having the monks of the Order of the Blessed available and using them as special agents. Those who refused the "generous" offer were exiled while the others became agents of the Soviet Union in every way. With the end of the USSR, the Order of the Blessed met and today, despite being less relevant than fifty years ago, it deals with recovering ancient magical artifacts. Almost all the monks of the Order of the Blessed vowed poverty and chastity, but some abandoned the doctrine after a few years, driven by the need to have a better life.
Many believe that the founder of the Order of the Blessed, Fëdor Kuz'mič, was none other than Tsar Aleksandr Pavlovič Romanov (Alexander I of Russia) who was known as "The Blessed" and who probably staged his death and then start a religious life as a Christian monk.

martedì 8 ottobre 2019

Lore : Letter from Bradley Jenkins

Dearest Viktor,

I'm writing to express my concerns about the Holy Grail War that will take place here in London. I know that you are currently in Belgium for personal reasons and do not want to steal your precious time, but I need your attention for a few lines. As you well know, the Holy Grail War of Yggdrasil began when the research done by Dorian Benard was spread, his studies have aroused the attention of the most dangerous and powerful organizations in Europe and now I am sorry to accept that London will be the epicenter of a war that we do not know how to avoid.
Some of my colleagues are thinking of evoking the Grail and destroying it before the conflict starts but I had to point out to them that doing this is impossible if you don't know the right magic ritual. Many are agitated because of the Disaster of Ibaraki, that you will surely have heard of, and believe that it is the fault of the Holy Grail of Yggdrasil but I am sure that is not the one responsible.
I want to avoid too many words with you and therefore I will be direct: this war should not even be possible since the Grail linked to Yggdrasil is not a miraculous object, of which I am sure. Whatever is related to someone's death, in this case of Odin, is dangerous. I doubt this Holy Grail is a miracle machine. I started to study Benard's hypotheses and I think I have an answer but I would like to discuss it later with you.

Bradley Jenkins

Chapter 50 : Free from chains

Alessandro Serpi and Saber had reached Regent's Park and had got inside, stopping in front of a bank of the immense rift in the ground. Alessandro had his toga in his hand, the robe of the Coven. Saber was beside him and asked, worried:
« What will happen to those who saw you at the pub? »
« Do you mean those members of the Coven? » He checked.
« Yes. »
« I don't know. They will probably report everything to the Grand Master. »
« And that's okay with you? Aren't you worried? »
« Why should I be, Saber? None of them is strong enough to kill me. They are only spies, incapable of doing high Magecraft and lacking in enough magical energy to deal with me. They are not comparable to me. »
« I know ... but … » Saber didn't know how to make her Master understand that she feared for his life.
« A little while ago, at the pub, I hit Elisa with a fist. Do you know why I did it? »
« Because she wanted to prevent you from knowing more about your father? »
« No, because he had lied to me. I am aware of being surrounded by liars and I hate them, do you know why I hate them? Because those who lie to me lack respect. It is the respect that distinguishes a civil society from a herd of animals, I have always respected those around me ... but can the others say the same? Elisa is not the only one who lied to me ... she is one of many ... and I am among them. »
Alessandro turned to Saber and the girl immediately noticed that he had a sorry and lucid look.
« Are you all right, Master? »
« I have been disrespectful to myself for so long. I have always thought that I would liked the Coven one day and that one day I would have accepted to be part of something so great. I lied to myself. The truth is that I never wanted that day, I never wanted to really love the Coven ... because I always knew that I didn't like the Coven. »
« Master … » Saber wanted to console him.
« Don't pity me … » He wiped his tears and added: « Don't pity me because I'm telling you the truth. My mother forced me to join the Coven when I was only sixteen, before I volunteered in a library. I have been in the Coven for four years ... and I am not happy. I would have preferred to be a librarian ... or a professor ... or even a nomad guided only by adventure. But this ... this is suffocating. These chains are strangling me, suffocating me and I can't take it anymore, Saber. »
« I am with you, Master. » Saber took Alessandro's hand.
« Saber … » He blushed. 
« I am with you and I will stay by your side until the end, this is not a lie. I promise you I'll never lie to you, Master. » She said, with a smile like the sun.
« Thank you, you give me the strength to go on, Saber. »
« You too, Alessandro. »
« What? » Alessandro was slightly surprised that she had called him by name.
« That is, Master! » Exclaimed Saber, immediately leaving the boy's hand and turning away from the other side hiding the fact of being excited.
Alessandro understood that she was trying to hide her emotions and to avoid putting her in trouble he decided to leave her alone. He took a look at the robe in his hands and murmured in a relieved tone: 
« Finally I can say goodbye to the Coven. » Then he turned to Saber: « You know, I really hope the Grand Master will hear about my rebellion. »
« Why? »
« Because this way he will know that I am no longer his puppet, now I have finally realized the true me, my real existence and I no longer need the Coven. Now I'm free. »
Alessandro threw his black robe into the depths of the pit before him.

Chapter 49 : Lies

Alessandro Serpi and Saber had gone to a pub to have breakfast since the girl had specifically requested it, apparently she was fed up with eating indoors and wanted to try the local cuisine. Elisa Mancini decided to follow the two, guided by the curiosity to see how English pubs were made.
Sitting at the table they began to order something to eat. Saber, dressed in a sweatshirt and a miniskirt with long black stockings and tennis shoes, had loosened her hair for reasons that Alessandro could not understand. The girl carefully analyzed every dish on the menu.
« What are you looking for? »
« Meat. »
« Meat? »
« Exactly, meat. I love meat. I don't care if it's beef or pork or even chicken, I love eating succulent meat dressed with oil and spices. My mouth is watering just talking about it! » Exclaimed Saber with sparkling eyes. 
« Of course, I understand … » Alessandro forced a smile.
« But it takes something to accompany the meat. We certainly need a wine! »
« A wine? But do they serve it in pubs here in England? »
« Maybe yes. » Elisa answered.
« Is everything all right? » Asked Alessandro, noting the girl's distracted gaze.
« Of course, it's just that I pay attention only now that it's nice not to look too much. Always wearing the clothes of the Coven can be a nuisance and today we wear all three casual clothes and no one looks at us in a strange way. It's satisfying. »
« Maybe, but personally I love the Coven's clothes. They have their own style. »
« You don't eat? » Then asked Elisa.
« I'm not hungry. »
« Are you sure? »
« You don't have to worry about me, Elisa. »
« No ... it's just that … » The girl blushed.
« What? »
« Nothing, forget it. » Elisa returned to looking at the menu.
Saber suddenly exclaimed:
« Bangers and mash! »
« What? » Alessandro hadn't understood anything about what the girl had said.
« Bangers and mash! It looks delicious! I want this! »
« Ah, she's just talking about food. How the hell is it possible that the conqueror of half of Europe is so childish? »
« Well, she's still Italian anyway, isn't she? It's normal that she loves food so much. » Commented Elisa.
« I am Italian and I'm not like that. You're not like that either. »
« This is not true, it's just that I manage to contain my joy ... OH MY GOD! » She exulted.
« What's up? » Alessandro had taken a hit.
« Look, there's the famous fish and chips! I always wanted to eat it! »
« Really? Do you get excited about something so ridiculous? Come on! I go out for a moment, you order food for two. Call me when you have to pay. »
Alessandro left the pub to get a breath of air, he needed to stay away from that noisy place. But it was also evident to him that there was not much difference between a pub and London at nine in the morning: the noise was practically the same.
« Stuff you wouldn't believe. » He muttered, annoyed.
A man approached Alessandro and asked him politely:
« Are you Alessandro Serpi of the Coven? »
« Excuse me? » Alessandro became suspicious when he heard a stranger make his name. 
«I am a member of the Mage's Association, my name is Viktor Augustav Stirgold. Maybe you don't know me but I know you had a kind of agreement with a colleague of mine: Bradley Jenkins. »
« Does it seem safe for you to talk about certain things in public? »
« I don't care about them right now. The Coven is becoming a serious threat to 
all of us. »
« The Coven? »
Alessandro had already heard his half sister accuse the Coven of having chased their father and now there was a stranger, a member of the Mage's Association, who was also accusing the Coven.
The boy didn't know how to react to the man's words but decided to leave the pub, hoping to be followed by Viktor. Alessandro didn't want to discuss certain things in the presence of Elisa Mancini or Saber. 

The two reached a quieter area. Alessandro looked suspiciously and asked:
« You move charges to the Coven, can I know why? »
« Do you think I want you to betray your organization? »
« I think this is not the first time I have been given this possibility. It seems that everyone has problems with the Coven, and the thing that surprises me is that a member of the Mage's Association has similar concerns. I thought we were allies. »
« We are, but apparently the Grand Master is not respecting the truce. »
« What do you mean? »
« Bradley Jenkins is dead, he was killed by a member of the Coven. »
« What ?! Do you have at least the evidence to prove it? »
« Obviously. We have a security camera registration. »
« And why are you telling me this? »
« Because I have reason to believe that it was not a coincidence. What deal did you have with Jenkins? »
« I would have brought him Yukiko in exchange for information on my father. Simple. »
« I understand, it's possible that the Coven has some interest in defending one of the two. »
Alessandro said nothing about it, he didn't want a stranger to know about his father's story and the fact that he was related to Yukiko.
Viktor asked, then:
« Did the Coven tell you anything? »
« No. But ... when did he die? »
« Two days ago. »
« No, I'm sorry I didn't know anything about it … »
At that moment Alessandro remembered that two nights ago, Elisa returned home very late. It was possible that she had been behind the Bradley Jenkins murder, but if that was true it meant that she was probably aware of his search for information about his father.
Alessandro went off muttering: 
« We'll talk another time. »
« Where are you going? »
That girl was a liar. That girl had lied to Alessandro and was hindering him, she could not be forgiven. Alessandro entered the pub and approached the table where the two girls ate. Saber, seeing the Master, exclaimed:
« This meat is very good, you should try it! »
Alessandro ignored Saber and turned, in a cold tone, to Elisa Mancini:
« Have you killed Bradley Jenkins? »
Elisa's blood froze, she placed the food gently and turned to Alessandro who was looking at her with icy eyes. The girl asked, agitated:
« Who did you talk to? »
« Have you lied to me? »
« Alessandro … »
« Answer the question. »
« I only did what I was told to do. The Coven is worried about your state of mind, the Grand Master believes that you are losing sight of your goal. »
« How do they know? »
« They have spies. »
« So they keep an eye on me. Since when? »
« Since you reported on Yukiko Kumahira. »
« Are you a spy? »
« I just do my job. »
« Are you a spy? »
« I have to make sure you don't make mistakes. »
« So are you hindering me? »
« You obey the Coven, I would like to remind you. You work for the Grand Master like all of us. You are here because you have been given a mission! » Elisa answered, finding the strength to raise her head and look at the boy straight in the eye.
« Are there spies here too? »
« Why do you think so? »
« Because it was you who advised us to come and eat here. Are there any spies 
here too? »
« No, of course not. »
Alessandro immediately noticed that Elisa had thrown a quick glance at something that was behind his shoulders. He immediately turned and snapped his fingers, exclaimed:
« Inveniret Hominem! »
Four people inside the pub lit up: they were members of the Coven, disguised. These men immediately got up to stop the boy but at that moment, Alessandro snapped his fingers and exclaimed:
« Impediendum Pedes! »
The men froze. The other customers of the place got scared and ran away. Viktor, meanwhile, managed to get in and immediately understood that Alessandro had managed to find the person who had killed Bradley Jenkins, then exclaimed:
« Stop! No need to hurt her! She will be brought before a court where she will answer for her actions. »
« She just wanted to get in my way. » Alessandro replied.
« Do you really want to kill her ?! »
« Wait! I am your ally! We are both part of the Coven! Do you really want to betray us? » Elisa was desperate and tried to persuade Alessandro not to do anything to her.
« It was you who betrayed my trust first, you shouldn't have played this game 
with me. »
« Stop, boy! Stop! There is no need for public execution! Listen to me! » Said Viktor.
« What do you want to know? You are not the one who is constantly stabbed in the back! » Alessandro replied aggressively.
Saber, meanwhile, had just finished eating and got up to put the plate away. Alessandro, realizing that the Servant had not given her opinion on the matter, asked her:
« What do you think, Saber? »
« Me? Well, I love betrayal ... but I hate the traitor. » She answered by throwing a furious glance at Elisa.
« What do you think should I do? »
« Why do you ask me? »
« You're a strategist, you're Caesar. How would you handle a similar situation? »
Saber smiled, glad to be considered by her Master, and suggested:
« You have already too many enemies, Master, you must have allies. Maybe we can trust that man. Give him what he wants. »
Alessandro turned to Viktor:
« Can I really trust you? »
« Of course you can. Listen to your Servant, let's solve it peacefully. »
« Okay. »
« No wait! » Elisa got up but at that moment Alessandro punched her in the face.
Those present were shocked and he commented:
« You told me not to kill her, but I think she deserves it. It's all yours, Viktor. Saber and I are leaving. »
« Where can I meet you? » Asked Viktor.
« I'll come to the Clock Tower. »

Chapter 48 : Dead End (part 3)

Lancer, during the clash with her copy, felt that there was something strange about her: she was losing her strength and then realized that her Master was in danger. Without a moment's hesitation she left the battle in a rush and when Caster thought of attacking her he was stopped by Clovis who said, smiling:
« Forget it, Caster. We have already won. Her Master will never get away with the wounds I inflicted him. Let's leave. »
« So we won. »
« Exactly, We have won. »

Lancer reached her Master who was leaning against a wall, the man was about to die. When Lancer saw his wound, baffled, she exclaimed:
« Master! Master! For the Gods ... how could this happen ?! »
« Forget ... it ... Lancer ... you shouldn't worry about these things. I failed ... you will never win the Grail ... and it's only my fault … »
« Master … » 
Lancer took off her helmet and threw it on the ground and then tore off Tetsuya's dress but when she saw the state of the wound she realized that he couldn't be saved anymore.
« Forget it… it's too late for me now … »
Lancer sat down next to Tetsuya, resigned, and sighed. The man, noticing that the girl was not angry, asked her, intrigued:
« Why are you so calm? Don't tell me ... that you have forgiven me? »
« Does it surprise you? »
« Yes, a little … »
« I can't help you anymore, Master, it would be useless to get angry, we might as well enjoy these last moments that were granted to us, right? »
« Yeah ... maybe you're right … »
The two remained silent with eyes full of regret and sadness. Their battle had ended prematurely and they could not accept it. Tetsuya turned to his Servant and said:
« I remembered… a man I killed, he was a friend of mine. He wanted to kill me but then he thought it over ... yet I killed him with these hands ... maybe this is a punishment. »
« Do you really believe that? »
« I don't know … maybe … »
« Talk about punishment, huh? Maybe I'm the one who was punished, after all the only reason that brought me here is revenge and the Gods always punish the vindictive acts. Maybe that's why I had to face myself ... and maybe that's why I couldn't even beat a trivial copy of myself. I'm not ready to make a wish, I'm just a vengeful spirit. »
« Ah! » Tetsuya coughed from the effort and Lancer worried about him.
« Are you all right, Master? »
« Of course ... I was just thinking ... that our destiny is unfair ... if you are a vengeful spirit I am an empty spirit ... I should have died years ago and instead I am here … »
« Perhaps neither was destined to win the Holy Grail War. »
« Yeah ... but … »
« But? »
« I don't want to die like a dog ... I'm a man and I still have a bit of dignity. »
« Master ... forget it, we can't do anything to win … »
« I don't want to win, Cleta, I want the Amazon who served Penthesilea to teach a good lesson to that asshole Clovis ... I want to leave him a souvenir … »
« What are you talking about? »
« If I go to hell ... he will come with me. »
Tetsuya raised his right hand and lifted a middle finger in the direction of Clovis Wolff and ordered using the last Seal of Command: 
« Cleta, Nurse of Penthesilea, I order you to kill Clovis Wolff! This is my last order, make me proud of you, Amazon. »
The Seal of Command disappeared and Lancer rose from the ground, before leaving she commented with a smile:
« I am proud to have a Master like you. »

Clovis was heading towards his car, opened the door but at that moment he saw Lancer coming. The man was shocked to see that the Servant was still alive. Caster appeared who prepared to fight but Lancer ignored him completely, jumped and prepared her Noble Phantasm: the spear lit up and around Clovis appeared five astral spears made of light. Lancer yelled:
« Katadíki Tou Krótona! (Condemnation of Crotone) »
Caster immediately threw himself and pushed Clovis to the ground. Lancer threw the spear. The attack took Clovis's Servant in full. After an explosion of light that destroyed the parking lot, Lancer fell to the ground and disappeared, whispering:
« I'm coming home, my queen. »
Clovis had been stunned by the attack and took off dust and small pieces of asphalt and as soon as he got up he saw his Servant disappear. 
« No ... No ... NO! Stop! Do not leave! Do not leave! Stop! » Clovis screamed, agitated and frightened. He rushed to try to save the Servant and used a Command Seal:
« I order you to stay alive! I order you! Caster! I order you to stay alive to help me win the Holy Grail War! »
« I'm sorry ... Master ... we can't fight the Lord's will … »
« No shit! No! NO! I need you, Nostradamus! I need you now! Only with you I can save my daughter! I need you to win the war! Come back to me, fuck! »
« Goodbye … Clovis … I'm sorry … »
Caster disappeared. Clovis was speechless. He was completely shocked. He had lost his Servant. He planned to win the Holy Grail War to save his daughter from tuberculosis, everything was ready and it was his last chance to save his little daughter. He had bet everything on the Holy Grail War and had just lost.
« No … »
Clovis fell to the ground with a lost look and tears in his eyes.
« My baby … »
His body began to tremble and he collapsed, starting to beat the asphalt with his fists.
« My poor child! My poor child! Why, God? Why did you abandon me right now? I could have won! I could have won! I could have saved my little girl! God, why? Why did you do this to me ?! God ... I don't accept it! I do not accept it! I do not accept your judgment! FUCK THIS WAR! »
Clovis got up from the ground and screamed loudly:
« If I don't win ... nobody will win! »
Clovis had lost Caster, the only person who could help him win the Holy Grail War and the only one who could have saved his daughter. But while Clovis lost his head and let himself be carried away by the burning fury of a desperate father, Tetsuya let himself be embraced by cold death with a satisfied smile and a carefree look, he knew that Lancer was dead and now it was finally his turn.
« There is no dead end ... there is always a way out. »
These were the last words of Murakawa Tetsuya.

giovedì 3 ottobre 2019

Chapter 47 : Dead end (part 2)

Lancer was in the midst of the battle against Caster's ink creatures when she suddenly felt her strength increase and was suddenly able to get rid of twenty enemies in seconds.
Lancer's speed had impressed Caster, who for a moment got caught up in a rush of fear but then planned to surround the warrior with some forty ink creatures. Lancer fell into a sudden ambush and was attacked by forty armed men but she was able to face them all: she fought the blows, counterattacked, dodged and killed. Lancer seemed to be in no trouble at all and this was frightening Caster who suddenly found himself with no servants left.
Lancer was still standing, without injuries and was not tired at all. With an amused smile, the girl exclaimed:
« It's easy to understand that you are not a warrior! You have the eyes of a desperate man, Caster! You don't know how to fight and you make yourself protected by these soulless servants. You are really pathetic! »
« Be quiet, wild beast! I won't let myself be defeated by someone like you! »
« Do you really think your tricks can stop me? I am an Amazon and there are no brave warriors like the Amazons! »
Lancer prepared to hit Caster but the latter did not accept to be insulted by his rival and decided to use his Noble Phantasm.
The pages of Caster's tome broke away and began to float around Lancer and the man began to say:
« I am the Man of the Prophecies, my predictions speak of the world, they describe the future that can be of life or death. Bow before the power of Nostradamus! La Dernière Prophétie (The Prophecy to be Realized)! »
The pages aggregated and created a being identical to Lancer. The girl was shocked and Caster told her boldly:
« Your fate has been revealed to me! You will never succeed in winning the Holy Grail because your greatest enemy is within you! You are destined to fight yourself forever, Cleta! »
« Go to hell! »
Lancer hit her copy of paper but it immediately parried the blow and counterattacked at such a speed that Lancer had difficulty dodging the attack. The two began to duel under Caster's watchful and proud gaze:
« For years I have been denigrated and treated like a madman because of my prophecies. But this time it's different! This time my prophecy has come true and nobody will laugh at me anymore! »
Lancer was unable to stand up to her copy, for some reason, and had to adopt a defensive tactic to avoid being killed, then realized that the only way to end the Noble Phantasm was to eliminate Caster, aka Nostradamus. Lancer was about to prepare her most deadly attack but was abruptly interrupted by her copy of paper that pierced her right leg with the spear; Lancer tore the weapon from her leg and distanced herself from her rival. There seemed to be no way out. The battle was proving more complicated than expected.
« You can do nothing against my Noble Phantasm, Lancer. You are just an Amazon, a savage incapable of understanding the extent of the power that has been given to me by my faith in God. A pagan like you is incapable of opposing my belief. »
« Tch! Don't think you won just because your doll managed to hurt me with a lucky blow. The battle has yet to go on, Caster! »
« Why don't you just give up? Don't you understand my Noble Phantasm? It has taken the shape of your fate, of your greatest enemy that will prevent you from realizing your future. You are enemy of yourself, don't you understand? Why do you continue to persist, Cleta? »
« Be quiet, Caster! You have no right to tell me what I should or what I should not do! This is my life, my existence ... my chance to have my REVENGE! »
« Stupid woman. » Caster muttered, annoyed.

Meanwhile Clovis Wolff and Murakawa Tetsuya were fighting. Magical bullets were fired and wounded Tetsuya, who despite his injuries had no intention of stopping and continued to fight, gritting his teeth.
« You are persistent. » Noticed Clovis.
Tetsuya tried to kick the opponent with a kick but Clovis was quick enough to dodge the blow and counterattacked by shooting a magic bullet that wounded Tetsuya's stomach. The man fell to the ground leaving a heart-rending scream of pain, Clovis kicked him in the face and said:
« Sie sind Müll. »
« I won't let myself be defeated… for so little … »
« You're seriously injured, Dummkopf, don't you understand? You can't fight
anymore. »
« You're wrong … »
Tetsuya tried to get up but the wound was too deep and he lost too much blood to be able to stand up, so he fell to the ground again. Clovis looked at him with disgust and told him:
« You shouldn't have assumed you were better than me. »
« I'll see you in hell … »
« You will rot alone, heaven belongs to me. » Clovis turned and left.
« Coward ... don't you have the balls to finish me? »
« You don't deserve such a privilege, you're just rubbish. »

Chapter 46 : Dead end (part 1)

Tetsuya Murakawa had hidden behind the wall of a house, he had severe pain in his leg but he had no idea what it was. He looked down and saw that his right trousers were stained with blood at the knee; there was a deep and red cut.
« Damn! » He muttered in a low voice.
Tetsuya took off his jacket and tore off a sleeve he used to bandage the wound. He poked his head over the wall to see if Clovis had followed him: he saw no one and decided to limp to the other side of the road, stumbled over the sidewalk and fell to the ground.
« Fuck! Fuck! »
He struggled to his feet and retrieved his glasses, but when he saw that the lens had cracked, he threw them to the ground, breaking them completely. "How the hell did I end up in this situation?" He thought to himself: "I feel like I'm being haunted by bad luck. No. No, it's not bad luck ... it's something different. I have already experienced this pain in the past. "
« Exactly, you've already experienced it. » A heavy male voice that Tetsuya knew very well.
The man looked up and was startled to see the former best friend. He stammered:
« Ka-Kazuya? »
« I see you remember me, do you also remember the harm you did to me? »
« You… you shouldn't be here ... you're dead! »
« Yes, you killed me. I know. You killed your best friend. »
Tetsuya struggled to his feet and listened to Kazuya's accusations:
« You killed me just so you could be free of your commitments, just to feel free from the chains that you yourself had agreed to wear. As a hypocrite you turned your back on me and betrayed the cause of T6. »
« You're wrong! » Screamed Tetsuya.
« No, I'm not mistaken. »
« It was you who threw me out! »
« Because you were a brutal murderer, you went far beyond the limits set by the contracts you stipulated and you know that too, Tetsuya. We tried to eliminate you as a result but you didn't accept to take your responsibilities and you rebelled. »
« What are you talking about?! »
« When you agreed to enter the T6 you agreed to become a murderer and take responsibility for that choice. Your assassin commitment didn't end when we threw you out of the T6. You should have accepted your death, your punishment. »
« Go to hell! » Tetsuya tried to hit Kazuya with a fist but he passed through him and ended up hitting the wall.
« You said it yourself: I'm dead. »
« Who are you? »
« Maybe I'm just a ghost or a hallucination ... maybe you are familiar with this situation, it's also for me, you know? Where was it that you killed me? »
« Tokyo ... at a construction site ... at night ... you had me cornered and … »
« Right, right! Now I remember! I shoot at your knee to stop you from escaping and you limped away from me to find the way out but you ended up in a blind alley. I remember … »
Kazuya made the gun symbol with his hand and pointed it at Tetsuya's head, he continued:
« I was about to kill you… one shot and I would have finished you, I would have punished you, I would have given you peace but I hesitated, I didn't have the strength to kill my best friend and you attacked me. I took pity on you and you killed me. »
« Don't be a victim with me! You tried to kill me and I reacted accordingly! »
« Ah! You are not sure either. Was it just self-defense or did you let your wild instincts drag you? Look at you, Tetsuya, look how you are put. You are still hunted like a 
rabbit. »
« It's just bad luck. »
« Bad luck? No. It is destiny, Tetsuya. You should have died and instead you are here, alive, that torments everyone with your incessant need to face someone strong, but we both know what you are looking for: someone who can kill you. Looking for someone to end your useless existence, that's why you're here. »
« Stop it, shut up! » Screamed Tetsuya.
Kazuya disappeared. Tetsuya slowly walked away, cursing in a low voice, but at that moment he saw a magic bullet coming towards him that just missed his head. Clovis was on the other side of the street.
Tetsuya was not afraid to die and after a nod he said:
« You made yourself wait, asshole. »
« You talk too much, did they ever tell you? »
Clovis fired a magic bullet and Tetsuya dodged it then, with incredible speed, reached Clovis and hit him with a punch that made him crash into a stationary car. Tetsuya, thinking back to Kazuya's words, became nervous and took Clovis by the hair, lifted him from the ground and threw him against the wall of a nearby house.
"I don't care." He thought, "I don't care if I die today against this asshole or not. I won't let myself be killed like a damn coward! "
« Lancer, at the behest of my Command Seal, I order you to do the maximum! We will not lose this battle! »
Tetsuya used his second Seal to upgrade his Servant. In his eyes had lit a violent fire, the stubborn flame that wanted to survive at all costs.