lunedì 29 luglio 2019

Chapter 21 : All against all (part 2)

Tetsuya Murakawa was destroying, one by one, several creatures made of sand that had been evoked  by Sergei Rybakov.
At that moment Clovis Wolff arrived and threw two magic blue bullets, from his hand, at Sergei. Tetsuya, noting that the Russian magus had been knocked out of that attack, decided to start the attack on Clovis, without hesitation, but the latter fired four more magic bullets. Tetsuya avoided them and, with impressive agility, immediately reached Clovis and punched him in the face; Clovis did not fall to the ground, in fact, he counterattacked with a fist in turn; Tetsuya did the same. The two magus began to fight with their bare hands, but in the end Clovis fired a magic bullet that threw Tetsuya into the lake that was a few meters away from them.
Harumi, who was hidden behind a tree, thought of ordering Archer the retreat since the magi involved were too many.
Alessandro Serpi returned to the battlefield and the first thing he did was look for Harumi but he was hit by a magic bullet shot by Clovis. The two took a cold look:
« Rote Mäntel. » Alessandro said.
« Coven. » Said Clovis.
Alessandro got to his feet and, snapping his fingers, said:
« Dis. »
Clovis was pushed to the ground but got up immediately and, after firing three more magic bullets, jumped and hid behind a tree. Alessandro had managed to dodge the blows and exclaimed, snapping his fingers:
« Lignum. »
The tree behind which Clovis was hidden came to life and attacked the magus. Clovis had to load a deadly magic bullet to be able to destroy the living tree; then fired two more shots at Alessandro, who said snapping his fingers:
« Defendere. »
The bullets were blocked by a magic shield created by Alessandro. Clovis then said:
« You're pretty good for being so young. »
« I don't need your compliments, German magus. Go back to Hamburg and leave this war before getting hurt for real. »
« I see that the Coven still has problems with us. You just can't forget the past,
can you? »
« There is only one way to forget past sufferings, and it is to eliminate those who caused them. »
« Strong words for someone who is about to die. »

Meanwhile, Tetsuya came out of the lake. Tired and dazed, the man saw that Lancer had difficulty fighting. Tetsuya didn't have enough magic energy to give his Servant for another Noble Phantasm, however, he could at least upgrade her.
Tetsuya stood up and ordered Lancer:
« Lancer, fight! Destroy our enemies with this upgrade that I give you! »
Tetsuya used a Command Seal to greatly enhance Lancer's abilities. The Servant stood up and, with a combative smile, exclaimed:
« Thank you, Master! I will make good use of this strength! »
Lancer rushed at full speed against Saber, who had not expected an attack from behind; Saber was overwhelmed by Lancer's attack.
Archer, shocked, shot several arrows at Lancer but she parried them and then she jumped towards her enemy and kicked him over; then it was Caster's turn who, seeing Lancer coming, summoned about twenty beings made of ink that the warrior attacked. Lancer destroyed all those creatures easily and quickly and then it was finally time to kill Caster.
But at that moment a Noble Phantasm was launched.
It looked like a slash of sunlight that shattered Caster's barrier and hit Lancer. The blow came from outside the magic area created by Caster but nobody had any idea what kind of attack it was.
Tetsuya immediately rushed to rescue Lancer, who was injured but not mortally.

Meanwhile the other Masters tried to understand what kind of attack had been launched. At that moment there was a strong earthquake. Sergei, frightened, exclaimed:
« No! Not another time! »
Huge chasms opened in the ground and the Masters were forced to retreat along with their Servants. What happened at Regent's Park was similar to the Ibaraki Disaster.

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