Master: Ina Shandilya
The first emperor of Rome, adopted son of Gaius Julius Caesar. He acted to avenge his mother by killing every single caesaricide with the help of Mark Anthony. Augustus managed to gain power only after defeating Mark Anthony and Queen Cleopatra, thus conquering Egypt. He had the son of Caesar and Cleopatra, Caesarion, killed and established himself as the new guide of Rome.
He became Princeps (First citizen) and used his power to bring peace to the empire. He knew how to coordinate his ambition and his cunning and was able to obtain absolute control over information and culture. His autocratic rule, appreciated by some by others detested, gave birth to an imperial cult, especially in the eastern provinces. In Egypt he was revered as the Third Messiah (the first was Alexander the Great and the second was Caesar) and divine attributes were given to him.
Together with his faithful wife, Livia Drusilla, he brought peace and prosperity to Rome; he wanted to convey the image of himself as a peaceful prince and that of Rome as a universal power... he also wanted to leave a heroic image of himself in the Res gestae.
Artwork by BikoWolf