venerdì 9 settembre 2022

Vercingetorix - Vercingetorige

Other names: Great King of Warriors, Prince of Gauls, King of Rebels

Probably one of the most famous rivals of Gaius Julius Caesar. During the Conquest of Gaul, the Roman troops succeeded in subduing the different Gallic tribes, massacring the rioters and buying the support of the aristocracies. No one was sure they would be able to challenge Caesar. Since that military commander had set foot in Gaul, she had done nothing but win; the aura of invincibility that surrounded the Romans was frightening those Gauls who were still free. Many thought of surrendering and accepting the dominion of Rome.
Vercingetorix made her appearance just then. This mighty king reminded the aristocracy of its role and put them back in line. She eliminated the traitors and prepared for war. This powerful figure was able to unite all the tribes of Gaul and set them against the Romans. Caesar, for the first time, found herself surrounded by enemies who had no intention of surrendering.
Vercingetorix demonstrated her military talent by giving Caesar a hard time. The scorched earth tactic slowed down the Roman advance and allowed the Gauls to obtain some victories against the Romans. Vercingetorix has the merit of having managed to put the most powerful leader of the time in difficulty.
Vercingetorix became more and more famous and more and more people agreed to unite against Rome. The Gauls managed to isolate Caesar, who now, in fact, no longer had any friends. It was then that Vercingetorix let herself be taken by naivety and agreed to face the Romans in Alesia.
Vercingetorix had allies everywhere, Caesar was outnumbered and could only count on her military genius. The Battle of Alesia tested both leaders and in the end only one was the winner...
Vercingetorix was forced to surrender. Caesar managed to win yet another battle and put an end to the Gallic rebellion. However, when Caesar came face to face with her nemesis, she was disappointed. She hoped she had defeated the most powerful man in Gaul, not the most powerful woman. Knowing that this triumph would have less prestige in the Senate, she decided to kill Vercingetorix in the camp and to bring any rebel to Rome to be able to hang him during the triumph. That rebel took the name of Caesar's nemesis while the real Vercingetorix was forgotten.
Artwork by BikoWolf