giovedì 13 gennaio 2022

Orestes - Oreste

Other names: the Matricide
Son of King Agamemnon and Clytemnestra and brother of Iphigenia, Electra and Chrysothemes. Orestes was still very young when Agamemnon, returning from the Trojan War, was assassinated by his mother's lover, Aegisthus.Orestes was saved by his elder sister who made him escape secretly from the city to entrust him to the care of his uncle Strophios, king of Phocis. Orestes grew up in Phocis and became the best friend of Pylades, the son of Strophios. While the boy lived a quiet life, Aegisthus dominated Mycenae with an iron fist, also squandering the fortune of the late Agamemnon. Everyone was awaiting the return of the prince because everyone expected a bloody revenge for the crime committed by Aegisthus. However, Orestes only learned the truth about his father's death when he was an adult. The oracle of Delphi revealed to him the will of the gods and he agreed to avenge his father. Orestes, therefore, killed Aegisthus but also his own mother. The matricide unleashed the wrath of the Erinyes.

Artwork by BikoWolf