Monday, December 23, 2024

Still working on the new story

I know it's taking me a long time, but I'm still working on the new story I want to publish on this blog. 😞
In the meantime I'm writing with BikoWolf the story of our erotic action comic, Dream Walkers. We're already at Volume 4 with over ten thousand reads! 😄

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dream Walkers update

I would like to remind you that, in addition to writing on this blog, I am also making an erotic action comic together with BikoWolf. So far we have completed Volume 4 and, if you are interested, you can click the link I leave you. 😛


Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I'm working on a new story that I plan to publish on this blog. On the advice of some of my friends, I'll set this story in the Fate universe!
I'm back, baby!
Let's go!!! 😋

Friday, March 1, 2024

Thanks to BikoWolf for Everything

As you may have noticed, I haven't written in a while. The reason is simple: I can no longer continue this blog novel. But this isn't the end of this blog, I'll probably post more novels but not F/Y. Unfortunately I've lost the will to pursue this particular story.
However, I feel guilty and even ungrateful, especially towards the artist who dedicated his time to my blognovel. For this reason I would like to thank him by sharing with you the artworks of the never published chapters.
Thank you, BikoWolf. 😌
Remember to follow him on: Pixiv.



This isn't the end. My passion for writing hasn't been stifled. New stories will come, but this is goodbye for F/Y. 
It was a good time. 😉

Sunday, July 16, 2023


It's been a while since I last wrote, but I have my reasons. Together with BikoWolf I was able to work on our first comic. 😋 It's something we're very proud of and you can read it for free on Pixiv if you want.


Friday, February 10, 2023

Raphael Maillard

Born in Toulon into a wealthy family. His appearance can be deceiving, in fact he's a man who has received a typical bourgeois upbringing. His arrogant attitude is crowned by an almost total disregard for the 'others' (i.e. all those whom he considers inferior). He is an intelligent man, but with little empathy. He teaches in the AMPM (Association des Mages et Philosophes de la Magie) and is a magus capable of manipulating mercury up to a certain point.

Servant: ω Lancer
Artwork by BikoWolf

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Marcus Aurelius - Marco Aurelio

Other names: Stoic Emperor, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Philosopher Emperor, Fifth Good Emperor, The Philosopher
Master: Raphael Maillard

One of the greatest emperors of Rome. After the death of Antoninus Pius, he rose to power and decided to reign together with his adoptive brother Lucius Verus. The young Marcus Aurelius was not an experienced military man, having spent most of his life studying philosophy and literature, so many doubted his ability to lead the mighty Empire. However, despite the doubts of most, Marcus Aurelius proved to be a man of great courage and strong determination.
The emperor was faced with a severe plague that struck the Empire after the Parthian campaigns. The weakening of the borders allowed several Germanic peoples to make inroads into Roman territory... Marcomanni, Quadi, Iazyges, Chatti, Suebi, Roxolani, Bastarnae, Costoboci, and other Germanic tribes began to plunder the Roman colonies and invade the imperial territory.
The emperor undertook to direct military operations against these populations to put an end to their attacks. Upon the death of Lucius Verus, Marcus Aurelius decided to rely on Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus (a Roman commander of Syrian origins) and Publius Elvius Pertinax. The two commanders were employed in the offensive against the invaders. When the Marcomanni and Quadi entered the Empire, they sacked and destroyed Oderzo leaving behind thousands of civilian casualties. Their new objective was then the city of Aquileia and so they decided to besiege it, but luckily Pompeianus and Pertinax successfully repulsed them and saved the city. 
Other Germanic tribes penetrated into Roman territory and began to attack Roman and Greek colonies and sanctuaries (the sanctuary of Eleusis was set on fire by the Costoboci). Marcus Aurelius, therefore, decided to change his strategy: instead of defending the borders, he chose to march into the territories of the enemies and to massacre anyone who dared to resist. The emperor's goal became conquest. Marcomanni, Quadi and Iazyges were decimated and forced to surrender. Later the emperor planned the conquest of the Sarmatian lands to end the threat from the Sarmatians. The campaigns were a success, but did not lead to the desired results.
The emperor's last campaign was made against the Marcomanni and the Quadi, who had decided to attack the borders of the Empire again. Again the emperor had in mind to conquer them, but he died during the campaigns.
In times of war he wrote the Meditations, an example of his stoic philosophy and of the depth of his soul. Today he is considered one of the best emperors of Rome.

Artwork by BikoWolf